
2009-09-14 00:00:00来源:上海新东方学校

2009年秋季上海外语口译考试9月13日开考 新东方中高级口译名师邱政政著作 2009年秋中高级口译模考试题火爆下载 邱政政:大鹏一日同风起 邱邱影像:看电影,学英语


新东方口译研究中心 听力课题组 Stella

1. Are you looking for someone who can translate this contract into Portuguese? What about our new secretary, I hear she had stayed in Brazil for several years.

2. Finding employment is not easy these days even in big cities. If I were you, I would be delighted wih such a job offer.

3. Also present at the conference is Dr. Madison, who will join our discussion this afternoon to give an expert view on the current situation of global economy.

4. If you intend to try bungee jumping, most countries require that you be over the age of 18, and join a bungee jumping club, or be properly instructed for the sport.

5. Keeping a business firm running is far more difficult than starting it. According to current statistics, two thirds of new business firms will fail in the first five years.

6. Scientists report that hunting or eating wild animals not only destroy the balance of nature, but also run the risk of being infected by virus from animals.

7. We can never learn a foreign language in the same way as we acquire our first. For even a 3-year-old child can have thousands of hours of contact with his mother tongue.

8. Once you enroll in full or part-time courses at this college, our services are all free of charge, except that you pay 30 pence a copy for any photo copying made here.

9. If you have yet to appoint a new sales manager in charge of our L.A. office, Mrs. Coleman was born there and has good connections.

10. Suppose the gasoline tank of your car holds 20 gallons and you average 16 miles to the gallon, how far can you drive on a tank tull of gasoline?


最难的莫过于最后一句,考生乍一听可能不知所云,但我们在课堂上提到过数字题的考法无非两种――直接答案型和计算,而计算也不会超出加减乘除的范围。因此只要记下20 gallons和16 miles的关键字,应该能想到将两者相乘。




2009年3月15日高级口译考试真题汇总 2009年3月15日中级口译考试真题汇总 新东方发布9.13中口段落翻译原文+评析 新东方权威发布9.13中口SD答案与评析 新东方权威发布9.13高口段落听译答案 新东方权威解析9.13高口听力长对话 新东方权威发布:9.13中级口译听力原文

