
2017-05-05 15:37:10来源:网络




  In no other country is the public as aware of or as interested in what the WTO is and what it means for their future. In China, countless numbers of books and articles have been published, and numerous television and radio programs aired, on this subject.1. Just type in the words "China and the WTO" on any internet search engine and you will find hundreds of websites devoted to this topic. In the WTO, China has shown a desire to play a significant role in shaping the future direction of the organization and to ensure success in the Doha Round. And we need China to play this role, and support the efforts to put the Round back on track, by helping to build a bridge that will serve the ambitions of both the developing and developed world. //

  Failure to advance the Doha Round would certainly be a lost opportunity for China, as well as for other countries, to benefit from the economic growth that further liberalization can generate2. The absence of new progress in the Doha Round would further damage confidence in our already fragile global economy3.Despite China's strong economic performance, many of you, will of course, have felt the impact of the global economic slow-down. Global investment flows in 2002 fell for the third consecutive year to US$651 billion dollars—half the peak reached in 2000. Trade flows recovered last year after a decline in 2001 – but they are still well below levels achieved in 2000. //

  Let me briefly now touch upon some of the elements of the Doha Development Agenda Work Program which are critical to advancing the Round. Indeed, the challenges China faces highlight some of the pressing issues confronting the WTO as it tries to live up to its mission of facilitating global prosperity. Notwithstanding the major achievements made in past rounds, there remain serious impediments to trade in agriculture, in industrial goods and in services. //

  Tariff peaks and developed country tariffs which escalate with the level of processing are of particular concern for developing countries. But so are high tariffs between developing countries. Barriers to trade tend to be concentrated in agriculture, food products, textiles and clothing and other manufactured goods in which developing countries have comparative advantage. In agriculture, these impediments are also severely compounded by the fact that developing countries also have to compete in markets where huge subsidies abound – to the tune of 1 billion dollars a day in OECD countries4. //

  Delivery on the Doha mandate on agriculture should help China to address its concern to raise rural incomes in order to avoid excessive migration to urban centers.



  如果不能够推进多哈回合,对中国,对其他的发展中国家来说,这必将意味着它们都失去了一 次从经济增长和自由化中受益的机会。在新的多哈发展回合当中,如果没有一些新的进展,它可能会导致人们 对已经非常脆弱的全球经济失去信心。尽管现在中国的经济运行情况非常不错,但是你们肯定也都感觉到了全球经济放缓的影响。从2000年开始,连续三年全球的资金流量都在下滑,


  下面,我简单地介绍推进多哈发展议程当中的几个关键问题。无可置疑,中国面临的挑战也正是WTO急需解决的问题,因为WTO现在正在致力于完成其促进全球繁荣的使命。尽管在过去的一些谈判回合当中 取得了重要的成就,但是在农业、工业产品和服务行业方面仍然存在着很多的贸易障碍。//发展中国家特别关 注高峰关税和发达国家关税升级的问题。事实上发展中国家之间的高关税也是一个非常重要的问题。比如说, 在农产品、食物、纺织品、服装以及其他制成品的贸易方面,发展中国家具有较强的优势,但是高关税却成为 贸易的主要障碍。特别是在农业这个领域,由于市场上有着大量的补贴,OECD国家现在的补贴每天达十亿美 元,因而补贴成为了发展中国家贸易方面的又一个主要障碍。//


  口译讲评Comments on Interpretation

  1. "In China, countless numbers of books and articles have been published, and numerous television and radio programs aired, on this subject."英语中的被动语态,在汉语中经常译为主动语态。在这句话中,我们可将"中国"转化为主语,选用"有"作谓语动词,这个词可以同时包含"publish"和"air"的含义。所以该句可译 为"关于WTO的主题,中国有数不胜数的书籍、文章、电视和广播节目。"

  2. "Failure to advance the Doha Round // would certainly be a lost opportunity for China, as well as for other countries, to benefit from the economic growth that further liberalization can generate."这句话如果直译为:"推进多哈回合的失败对中国,对其他国家来说都意味着会丧失一次从自由化带来的经济增长中受益的机会。"译文听起来很别扭,不符合中文的习惯。我们不妨将该句拆译为两个句子,并添加连接词,以体现两个句子之间的逻辑关系。所以该句可译为:如果不能够推进多哈回合,对中国,对其他的发展中国家来说,必将意味着它们都失去了一次从经济增长和自由化中受益的机会。此外,英语和汉语在表达肯定和否定意义时,经常出现截然不同的表达方式。英语用肯定结构表达的内容,地道的汉语可能用否定结构来表达;反之亦然。翻译时就需要采用"逆向译法"——即反说正译或者正说反译。文 中"failure"为肯定的说法,但是译为汉语时,则可以反译为"不能够"。再比如:"All sales are final"可以反译为"售出概不退换"。

  3. "The absence of new progress in the Doha Round // would further damage confidence in our already fragile global economy."译法同上,可译为:在多哈回合中,如果没有一些新的进展,就可能会导致人们对已经非常脆弱的全球经济失去信心。其中"absence"反译为"没有"。

  4. "In agriculture, these impediments are also severely compounded— to the tune of 1 billion dollars a day in OECD countries."英汉两种语言表达的重心不同,英文有"信息前置"的规律,即一般将关键的或是新的信息放在句子前部,以便给读者留下清晰的印象,而汉语一般按逻辑顺序和时间顺序来安排意思,所以,主要信息通常出现在句子中偏后的部分。根据这一规律,所以该句可译为:"特别是在农业这个领域,由于市场上有着大量的补贴,现在OECD国家每天的补贴达十亿美元,因而补贴成了发展中国家贸易方面的又一个主要障碍。"

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