
2021-04-13 07:13:55来源:网络




  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. 鸟

  She killed two birds with one stone by shopping and visiting the museum on the same trip. (她 出门一次,既买了东西又参观了博物馆,真是一举两得。)

  n. 家伙,人

  She is a strange bird.


  birdy (小鸟球,高尔夫两杆进洞球。一杆进洞球---eagle。

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  益鸟 --- a useful bird

  害鸟 --- a pernicious bird

  候鸟 --- a bird of passage

  不死鸟(长生鸟) --- the bird of wonder (phoenix)

  鸟瞰图,要点 --- bird’s eye view

  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

  bird in the bush --- 没把握的事

  bird in the hand --- 有把握的事

  the birds and the bees --- (对孩子解释的)有关两性关系的基本常识

  early bird---最早的人,早起的人

  flip/ give somebody the bird --- 骂人的话(give somebody the finger)

  生活用语 Street Talks

  A: I’ll never be a telephone operator! That job is for the birds(毫无价值的/无聊 的)

  B: That’s you! Personally, I think it’s an interesting job.

  A: Gee, you are one strange bird. (古怪的人)

  A: Hi Rick,guess what, Wallace’s twenty years old and doesn’t Know about the birds and the bees.

  B: You’re kidding!

  C: Hey guys, what’re you talking about?

  A: We’re talking about Wallace.

  C: What about him?

  B: Jack says Wallace doesn’t know about the birds and the bees!!!

  C: That explains why he’s a bird-watcher! (喜欢盯着女人看的男人)

  A: What are you doing up here?

  B: I want to get a bird’s eye view of the campus. I don’t think I’ll ever be an early bird.

  A: Do you see that?

  B: What?

  A: That guy just gave you the bird!

  电影对白 Transcripts

  对话 Little Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird...

  Forrest: Mama always said that God is mysterious. He didn’t turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead, he had the police say that Jenny didn’t have to stay in that house no more. 《阿甘正传》

  谚语 Proverbs

  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林。[明天得一百不如今天得五十/到手的东西才是可靠的]

  Birds of the same feather flock together. 羽毛相同的鸟会结群在一起。[物以类聚]

  The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃。[捷足先登。]

  Kill two birds with one stone. 用一个石头打死两只鸟。[一箭双雕,一举两得]



  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. [C] 身体

  Swimming is the best way to tone your body. (增强体质。)

  n. 躯体 The mind governs the body. (精神支配肉体。)

  n. 机构 Congress is a legislative body. (国会是立法机关。)

  n. 主要部分 (of) There’s something wrong with the body of a letter.


  bodily (身体的,肉体的)

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  体形 --- body shape

  健美 --- body building

  肢体语言--- body language

  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

  body and soul --- 全心全意

  hard body --- 身材不错的人 (person of good figure)

  keep body and soul together --- 维持生命

  生活用语 Street Talks

  You’ve got the body and I’ve got the brains. (You’re good-looking,I’m smart.)

  A: Where did you bury his body? (尸体)

  B: On the the back hill.

  A: Dad, I found a dealer!

  B: Over my dead body will you sell this house. (除非我死了)

  A: It’s illegal to write this kind of article. You see?

  B: I’ll write whatever I want to!

  A: But they’ll put you in prison,dear?!

  B: They can imprison my body, but not my mind.

  电影对白 Transcripts

  对话 Joe: But he’s not here.

  Kathleen: Well, if he’s not here, he has a reason. Because there is not a cruel or careless bone in his body, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand anybody like that… You’ve deluded yourself into thinking that you’re some sort of benefactor bringing books to masses. But no one will ever remember you, Joe Fox. And maybe no one will remember me either, but, plenty of people remember my mother, and they think she was fine and they think her store was something special. You’re nothing, but a suit. 《网上情缘》

  谚语 Proverbs

  A little body often harbours a great soul. 莫道身躯小,伟人寓其间。

  名言 Quotations

  Your body is the church where Nature asks to bereverenced.


本文关键字: 上海中级口译

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