
2021-07-21 17:09:00来源:网络


  Questions 19-22


  (Woman): Our newspapers often referred to trade gap and balance of payments, what exactly did these terms mean?

  (Man): Britain is an industrial nation, it’s also a trading nation. We export mainly manufactured goods in exchange for other goods. We own our prosperity to our export, however, if we import more than we export, then the trade gap widens and the balance of payment gets worse.

  (Woman): I see. But why do you have to import so many goods. Can’t you produce your own?

  (Man): We’re primarily an industrial nation, and we don’t produce enough food to feed our large population. For every one person working in agriculture, there are ten working in manufacturing industry. We are also a very densely populated country. Over 55 million in an area of about 93,000 square miles.

  (Woman): Is your population evenly distributed?

  (Man): No, it isn’t. The main areas of population are the industrial areas of the Lowland of Scotland, New Castle, Southwest of Yorkshire, Lankeshire, the Midland, South Wales and the London areas

  (Woman): Ship building must be one of your most important industry. I believe Britain had built more ships than any other nation.

  (Man): Yes, but we are losing ground to other countries now. Our motorcar industry is very important. We mass produce some of the best cars in the world for export and home market. We make a wide variety of motor vehicles as you know.

  (Wan): Your aircraft industry is very important too, isn’t it? We imported quite a lot of British aircraft in the past.

  (Man): Yes, our aircrafts sell very well abroad.

  (Woman): By the way, so do your woolen goods. In my country, we think very highly of British textiles. British made materials for men suits and English woolen wear generally are very much admired.

  19. According to the man, what causes the widening the trade gap and the worsening of the payment balance?

  20.Which of the following is not a reason why Britain has to import so much from abroad?

  21. According to the man, which industry in Britain is losing ground to other countries?

  22. Which of the following can be concluded from the conversation?


本文关键字: 上海中级口译
