2021年中级口译阅读题目解析 (2)

2021-09-20 15:47:00来源:网络


  第五章 真题讲解2

  Questions 21-25


  The invention of the snow house by the Eskimo was one of the greatest triumphs over environment that man has ever accomplished.



  In the Arctic Circle, it is not that people lack ability or industry, but the surroundings restrict constructive effort to the barest necessities of existence.

  not that强调句式往往是考点所在




  Agriculture is impossible all along the thousands miles of the north shore. The only wood is such as drifts in. Other than this driftwood, the only available building materials are snow, ice, stone and bones of animals. All of these have been used for dwellings and storage paces, differing in various tribes according to the requirements and skill of the workers.

  The lack of necessary timbers to build walls and span wide spaces is probably one reason why these tribes construct their houses at least partly beneath the surface of the ground. This device also makes the houses more impervious to the cold. Most of us are inclined to think that the Eskimo lives always in an igloo or snow house. This is not entirely true. After the long cold winter, the family is very apt to move, when the weather permits, into a tent of sealskin. The actual construction of such tents is similar to that used by other, more southerly tribes.

  The snow house, however, is an interesting and unique habitation. Out summer campers will not build with snow, but the ingeniousness of the art is worth recoding, and some of our winter camps in the mountains might try to make snow houses.

  It is essential that the snow itself be of the right kind. It must be taken from a bank formed by a single storm, or the blocks will break when cut. The snow must be very fine-grained but not too hard to be cut with a snow knife.

  As Point Barrow, Alaska, houses of snow are used only temporarily; for example, at the hunting grounds on the rivers. And occasionally by visitors at the village who prefer having their own quarters. These houses as not built in the dome or beehive shape. The wall are made of blocks of snow, high enough so that a person can stand up inside the rooms.

  Point Barrow, Alaska 地名可以略读

  Outside at the south end a low, narrow, covered passage of snow leads to a low door. Above this is a window made of seal entrails. The door of the house is protected by a curtain of canvas. At the other end, the floor is raised into a kind of settee on which are laid boards and skins.

  文章结构:现象:snow house (正面态度)

  原因:surroundings 缺乏木材





  21. According to the author, the building of the snow house was necessary because of

  (A) the inhabitants' lack of ability and industry

  (B) the extreme cold temperatures

  (C) the large expense involved in shipping raw materials to the Arctic Circle

  (D) the surroundings, which restrict any building to what is essential

  22. Which of the following is NOT commonly available for building houses in the Arctic Circle?

  (A) Stone (B) Animal bones

  (C) Timber (D) Snow and ice

  23. After the long winter, an Eskimo family is likely to ________

  (A) move into a sealskin tent

  (B) build an underground dwelling

  (C) continue living in the snow house

  (D) move to town and live in a regular house

  24. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  (A) The construction of a sealskin tent is similar to that used be other tribes who live in move southern region.

  (B) The snow house is an interesting, unique and ingenious habitation.

  (C) Snow house are built partly below the surface of the ground to make the house warmer.

  (D) The window of a snow house is made of thin sealskin.

  25. The author's attitude toward the invention of snow houses by Eskimos is ________

  (A) impartial公正的

  (B) admiring崇敬的

  (C) sympathetic同情的

  (D) critical批判的

  一、 重点词汇讲解


  同义词conquest, victory


  eg: I came. I saw. I conquered.

  2、industry 工业、勤奋




  inhabit 居住vt








  25. The author's attitude toward the invention of snow houses by Eskimos is ________

  1、 直接表明作者态度的词汇

  I think, in my opinion, I suggest, according to me, as far as I am concerned

  2、 引言词汇

  illustration, quotation, recommendation (should, ought to, must)

  illustration, quotation如果引言不是作者批判的对象,那么引言往往表明作者自己的态度


  类型:中立:慎选:neutral, objective, detached超然的, disinterested


  陪选:uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, impassive

  褒义:positive, optimistic, approving, agreeable, admiring, enthusiastic

  贬义:negative, pessimistic, disapproving, disagreeable, critical, cynical


本文关键字: 上海中级口译

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