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Tahitian coral reef discovered 塔希提岛附近发现 “原始” 珊瑚礁

分享到: 2022-04-23 10:39:23 BBC英语教学

摘要:媒体英语Tahitian coral reef discovered 塔希提岛附近发现 原始 珊瑚礁Play audio file海洋探险家在法属波利尼西亚塔希提岛海岸附


Tahitian coral reef discovered 塔希提岛附近发现 “原始” 珊瑚礁

海洋探险家在法属波利尼西亚塔希提岛海岸附近 30 米深的地方发现了一处长达三公里的 “原始” 珊瑚礁。

One of the specialist divers who led this seabed exploration described seeing the giant reef as magical. It's made up of rose-shaped corals, some of which are two metres wide – and the whole reef stretches for nearly two miles along the seabed.


Its depth and distance from the coast is thought to be a key reason that it shows no signs of damage from pollution or from warming ocean temperatures, something that poses a major threat to shallower reefs.


The discovery is part of an ongoing mission led by Unesco to map more of the seabed, as it's often said we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the ocean floor. Only about a fifth of it has so far been mapped.


This remarkable discovery, the researchers say, suggests there may be many more pristine marine habitats that we just don't yet know exist.



rose-shaped 呈玫瑰(花瓣)形的
stretches 绵延,延伸
poses 构成,带来(问题)
shallower 较浅的
mapped 被绘制成地图
pristine 处于原始状态的,未被污染的


1. How big are some of the corals?

2. How big is the coral reef in total?

3. Why do people think the reef is so undamaged?

4. How much of the ocean floor is currently discovered?


1. How big are some of the corals?
Some of the corals are two metres wide.

2. How big is the coral reef in total?
The reef is nearly two miles long.

3. Why do people think the reef is so undamaged?
It's because of its depth and distance from shore.

4. How much of the ocean floor is currently discovered?
We currently know what a fifth of the ocean floor looks like.
