MutualTrust Is the Foundation of China-UK Cooperation – Hinkley Point Is a Test ofMutual Trust between China and Britain
On 9 August, the Financial Times and its websitepublished a signed article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled “Mutual trust isthe foundation of China-UK cooperation – Hinkley Point is a test of mutualtrust between China and Britain”. The full text is as follows:
Hinkley Point is once again asubject of speculation and debate following the announcement by the UKgovernment that it wants to hold a fresh review into the proposed project for anew nuclear power station in south-west England. With this in mind,clarification is needed on three basic facts regarding the project.
First, nuclear power is central toUK energy policy aimed at meeting the country’s long-term needs. Britain haslong been a pioneer in the field of civil nuclear energy, and once took pridein its clean and effective power plants. However, a two-decade pause in itsnuclear programme means that most of the country’s 15 reactors are approachingthe end of their intended working life.
According to the UK’s energy whitepaper, by 2025 only one nuclear plant will still be running, raising the riskof major power shortages. Nuclear power, with its advantages over other modernclean energy sources – namely, low operational costs, mature maintenancetechnologies and steady output – is a significant option for meeting the UK’sdemand for electricity.
Second, Hinkley Point is not theresult of some whimsical idea or rushed decision. It is the considered outcomeof a mutually beneficial tripartite partnership between Britain, France andChina. Before the three parties reached agreement it had gone through research,verification and approval by the authorities in Britain and France as well asthe European Commission.
There have also been extensive andthorough discussions by all involved and in the media regarding the project’scost-effectiveness, its timeline and the safety of the technology. After morethan 10 years of preparations, this project is ready to move ahead towardsgenerating safe, reliable and sustainable electricity.
Third, the UK could not have abetter partner than the China General Nuclear Power Corporation. The latter isthe biggest nuclear power provider in China. It is also the world’s biggestbuilder of nuclear reactors, involved in the construction of one-fifth of thenuclear generators worldwide. This is a partner with world-class technology,the necessary financial resources and rich experience in the management andoperation of nuclear plants.
A further issue central to thedebate is that of security. The UK has a state of the art supervision regimeand legal system. Its regulatory authorities are experienced and adequatelyresourced to ensure the safety of nuclear plants. China likewise has a finerecord of 30 years of safe operation of nuclear facilities. Its nuclear energyprogramme and supervision are highly acknowledged by international agencies.The three Hinkley Point partners are members of the International Atomic EnergyAgency. So, the French and Chinese partners are subjecting themselves to bothinternational and British standards.
Building a nuclear plant involves ahuge amount of financial resources and enormous risks. That explains whymultinational co-operation is accepted practice across the globe. Many of China’snuclear reactors are built in co-operation with US, Canadian, French andRussian companies. Thanks to the safeguards of international standards, therehas never been a concern that foreign companies might control China’s nuclearreactors. The rapid progress of China’s nuclear power industry is proof of thesuccess of international co-operation.
Britain takes pride in being acountry that is open to foreign investors. Rightly so. It is exactly because ofsuch openness that China has become the UK’s second-largest non-Europeantrading partner. Britain is one of the key destinations for Chinese companiesseeking to invest overseas. Over the past five years, such companies haveinvested more in the UK than in Germany, France and Italy combined.
An important reason why this hasbeen possible is that both China and the UK have consistently respected andtrusted each other. If Britain’s openness is a condition for bilateralco-operation, then mutual trust is the very foundation on which this is built.
Right now, the China-UKrelationship is at a crucial historical juncture. Mutual trust should betreasured even more. I hope the UK will keep its door open to China and thatthe British government will continue to support Hinkley Point – and come to adecision as soon as possible so that the project can proceed smoothly.
It has not been easy for China andthe UK to have come this far. As long as both sides cherish what has beenachieved and continue to expand and deepen our co-operation across the board,bilateral relations will maintain their strong momentum and work for thewellbeing of both the Chinese and British people.
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