If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses.Success or 1 in your work would depend, t...
Demographic indicators show that Americans in the post war period were more eager than ever to establish families. They quickly brought down the ag...
Hillary Rodham Clinton released the first television spot of her Senate campaign this morning, a 30-second commercial that will begin airing statewide...
Children learn almost nothing from television, and the more they watch the less they remember. They regard television purely as entertainment, resent ...
The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive "attachment" period from birth to three may scar...
Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown...
aid,help,assist 用作动词均可表“帮助”。 aid为正式用词,help最常用。 assist最正式,表示协助某人做某事,尤指在体力上或具体事务上帮助和扶持。如:She employed a w...
alive,living,live alive指虽有死的可能,但仍活着,一般只作表语。 living可用于人或物,作定语时可前可后。 live只做前置定语,用于动物和个别事物前。本文选自新东方在线论坛
almost,nearly 一般说来,almost比nearly 表示的意思更接近“开始”、“完成” (目标)等。 在all,every,always 前,两者都可用。如:He is almost (nearly) smoking. (...
alone,lonely alone只表“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩,只作表语;lonely表“孤独”,:“寂寞”,能作定语和表语。如:When she is left alone, she feels lonely. (剩...
1. We’re late. I expect the film _____ by the time we get to the cinema. A. had already started B. have already started C. will already ha...
1、 No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _____ A) the other B) any other C) another D) other 2、When ...
1. 前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。往外看时,原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢!女学生穿的羽绒衣,毛衣,红红绿绿的;男学生有的穿绿军装,有的穿深色的衣服。他...
1. 我只当过十年的教师。那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师。那时系里的主任和教师大半是我的老师。校内其他科、系里也有我的老师。总之,全校的教师...
1. 各吹各的号,各唱各的调。 Each does things in his own way. 2. 每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。 My holiday afternoons were spent in rambling a...
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
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课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 19 ¥49
课时 : 2 ¥29
课时 : 5 ¥89
课时 : 20 ¥89
课时 : 6 ¥79
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 3:54 主讲 : 金格妃
时长 : 41:28 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 36:53 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 17:47 主讲 : 魏大伟
时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁