3月中高级口译备考胜经之攻克Note-Taking and Gap-Fillin

2008-03-04 00:00:00来源:上海新东方

李龙帅: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。中/高级口译听力明星教师。中高级口译笔试阅卷人兼口试主考官。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。博客地址:http://blog.hjenglish.com/lilongshuai/

对高级口译听力部分中的Note-Taking and Gap-Filling这道题,我想,很多人把它的难度过于夸大,而且传得沸沸扬扬,让人在做题之前便觉得好像是什么超级难题一样。其实,客观来说,它的难度实在不及最后一道大题----听力段落翻译。我先来分析一下原因。





07.9 高口听力Note-Taking and Gap-Filling

Good morning, and welcome to today's lecture.Today we're going to discuss the mass urbanization of the world's
population, which is an unprecedented trend worldwide. First, I'll focus on two major reasons why people are moving to cities. Well, the first reason is economic. People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the 20th century, the major source of employment, full and part-time, was farming. Now, no more than 15% of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being created in information technology, manufacturing, and service areas, such as tourism and fi nancing. And all of these new jobs are in or around major

我们先看第一段:大家一目了然,显然这个讲座的主题是要记的,可以记“urbanization"或直接汉字简记 “世人城化”,主题是最根本的内容,是第一层信息;而你要做到的,却是对前面的信号词“We're going to discuss。。”类似于提示主题的信号语,还有(历年考题曾出现):Today,we're going to talk about...,I'd like to mention, Let's move on to another argument, I'd like to emphasize...等等 (文中已标绿)

主题抓住后,再看它会从几部分详细介绍,大家理应理解的是造成这种现象有两大原因,这是第二层信息,并记下第一大原因是Eco,或“经”字,文中已标紫。在这个第二层信息下,属于第三层信息,是对这一原因的具体解释,我们这时候应该多记些能体现这一原因的实词,哪些实词是重要呢?其实每篇文章都会用信号词告诉你。总的来说,这些信号词分为转折、让步、递进、因果、序数、列举。However,although,moreoever,because(of),first, second,such as等等 (文中已标红)。 考生听到这些词后,可以尽量多记些,如表原因的job、money, 表过去和现在对比的农和info-tech,制,服,旅,财(已标黄)。


城化--- 2 ---- 经 ---- job



服 --- 旅




第二:必须听听Native Speaker处理这些信号词时的语音语调,轻重缓急。听力在于模仿+超越。必须熟悉Native Speaker说话的节奏,并努力模仿,再听时,如同听自己说话,又怎会不懂。




The second reason for the move to cities has to do with the quality of life issues, comfort and convenience. For example, most of us would like our children to receive a good education. And cities often offer better schools. And then for many, city life is just more comfortable. There are transportation networks, shops, and places of entertainment. An interesting consequence of urbanization is that the average age of people in the countryside is increasing, while that of the cities is falling. More old people stay in the countryside than young people. And the opposite is true in the cities. This is of course connected to the fact that it’s the young people who want jobs

Now I’d like to identify three key changes in our cities. First of all,they are getting bigger and bigger. For the first time in history, there will soon be more people living in urban areas than in rural environments. Most cities are bigger now than ever before. In 1950, New York City was the only city with a population of 10 million. For the first time in the history
of society, we now have many cities with populations of over 10 million people, where we call “mega cities”. Tokyo, Mexico City, Shanghai, New York City and Sao Paulo are just a few examples of today’s mega cities. And experts say that the number of mega cities will increase in the future. Cities are not just getting bigger. They’re also changing shape. They’re getting taller, because land is getting more and more expensive. So instead of having a few big houses on a piece of land, we can have a tall apartment building that a thousand people can live in. All of you can probably think of buildings or parks or stores that have been torn down to make room for bigger, taller or more modern buildings. Skyscrapers have become a symbol of modern cities. Cities are also changing shape in other ways. The concentric zone model represents the structure of some cities built at the beginning of the 20th century. The business district is in the center, surrounded by the other zones. But the sector model and the multiple nuclei model are probably more typical of the cities we know today. They show the urban sprawl that’s occurring in contemporary cities. Urban Sprawl basically means that cities are spreading out, often in an uncontrolled way. Notice that in these two models, the business district is close to all the other districts. This sprawl often occurs in random and unpredictable ways, and has a huge impact on the quality of life of city residents.

The third change is that our cities are breaking up into smaller communities, often by ethnic group or income level. Of course, many cities do have a kind of identity or personality. But the city is not homogeneous. For example, migrants to the cities often want to live in their own communities or with people from a similar cultural background. Another example is that if you’re moving from a smaller community to a city, you’ll be most likely to move close to friends or family members,
who will help you get a job or give you support. However, this often means that people stay within their community and do not come into contact with others from different backgrounds. The biggest challenge facing us now is to improve the quality of life in cities. Because sadly, they don’t always offer the economic security, the safety, or the comfort they promise. Many cities have slum areas or ghettos, where people live in dangerous or destitute conditions. The beautiful architecture and vibrant nightlife are one face of the city. But cities also have problems of inequality, crowding and poverty.

希望通过上面的论述,考生对Note-Taking and Gap-Filling部分有了更深的认识,最后代表新东方衷心祝愿大家考试成功。

更多口译听力的备考策略可以登陆口译名师博客群:http://blog.hjenglish.com/qiuzhengzheng/ 和新东方口译备考倒计时频道:http://shanghai.neworiental.org/Portal25/default6664.htm

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