
2008-09-16 00:00:00来源:上海新东方

Spot dictation题型

李龙帅: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。口译教研组听力课题组组长。中/高级口译听力明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。博客地址:http://blog.hjenglish.com/lilongshuai/

1. success or failure

2. more and more Americans are electing

3. boys of girls blossom

4. tend to achieve more

5. strong religious or cultural reasons

6. out of reach

7. costly private school

8. separating the sexes

9. many girls get short change

10.positive exuberant attitude

11.watch their male peers

12.begin to gain confidence

13.such a fragile time

14.an obsession with weight

15.raise a girl’s self-esteem

16.all female schools

17.reinforce the regressive notion

18.has fostered a controversy

19.question the validity

20.such thing as separate by equal


按照新东方上课所讲做题步骤,首先,抓住主题,通过首段和每段首句找出出现多次的School,并符号化为大写S. 因为主题词很可能在20个空格中再次出现,本次考试共出现了两次。第二步,应标出相邻很近两个空格的前一个。


note-taking and gap-filling题型

李龙帅: 上海新东方学??语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。博客地址:http://blog.hjenglish.com/lilongshuai/


9.13高级口译听力考试的note-taking and gap-filling,这次将座主要关于男女理财方面的差异展开,并着重对女性的理财习惯及现状进行了阐释。



Research studies show that there are some fundamental ____(1) between men and women In their attitudes to ____ (2) matters. Women are far more likely to save for their children’s ____(3) and to save up to buy a ____(4). Men tend to save for a ____(5), and for their ____(6). But In fact the need for women to save for their old age Is far ____(7) than for men. Throughout the world, women are likely to lively many years____(8) than men. For thermore It Is the ____(9) women who will most often have to look after the children and thus they need more____(10) to look after not just themselves but others. Women today need to look ahead, think ahead, not wait until they’re under __________(11).

A number of __________(12) have been set up to help them do this. Some educational institutions offers night ________(13) in Money __________(14). They can be given ___________(15) on different ways of saving. It is usually advised that at least ___________(16) of a person’s savings should be in low-risk investments but for the rest, ____________(17) advisors often advise taking some __________(18) risks. Initiatives such as this can five women the economic _____________(19) and knowledge they need for a comfortable, __________(20) retirement.






















9.13高级口译听力考试Talk Q16-Q20

Opinion polls have shown that Americans view the widespread use of illegal drugs as the No.1 problem in the United States. Every year, the United States spends 15 billion dollars on its war on drugs, mostly on the cost of law enforcement and prohibition. Most illegal drugs are expensive. Black market prices for heroin and cocaine, for example, are estimated to be 100 times greater than the cost of production. With such prices, drug pushers can earn billions of dollars each year by pushing their wares in even the poorest neighborhoods. Most people agree that the so-called drug war is far from being won in the United States. They find some solution to the drug problem. One repeated proposal is to fight the problem by making drugs legal. This proposal has in fact been the cause of a lengthy and unresolved debate. Ever since the 1970s the Americans have argued whether taking the extreme measure of legalizing drugs would in fact decrease drug use. People who support this proposal believe that the current policies of prosecution and punishment are a waste of money. They feel that more money should be spent on education and treatment, arguing that the black market drives the prices of drugs too high, providing an incentive to get into the drug business. They point to the gangsters of the 1920s and the 1930s who disappeared with the end of prohibition of alcohol and America. As it is now, they say, anyone who is caught using drugs is treated as criminal not as an addict who needs help. This proposal for legalization has been supported by a variety of leaders from the most conservative to the most liberal, from Secretary of the State to

federal district judges who advocated the sale of drugs as prices resembling their costs. The proposal to legalize drugs has not being accepted easily by all Americans, however. In fact, it has taken a lot of flag over the years. Those who oppose the legalization of drugs feel that decriminalizing drugs would be a surrender in a drug war that has not really even begun. For them, the solution is not to decriminalize drug crime but to make law more severe. They point out that legalization would lead to greater drug use, explaining that with drugs such as crack being so common in our cities. There would be an increase in cases of violent crime and child abuse and an even greater spreader of AIDS. Opponents of legalization also point to China. When opium was made legal there in the mid-19th century, the selling of opium increased and funded the drug trade rather than spoiled it down.

Those who were opposed the legalization also raised an important question such as which drugs would be legalized with the black market really disappear with the legalization of drugs? So is it time to recognize that the current war on drugs is not working and accept that the legalization maybe the only solution? Every few years voters are asked to cast their votes for politicians who claimed to have answers to this question. But as of yet, Americans have not chosen legalization as a solution to their country's drug problems.


16. Which of the following best describes the drug problem in the U.S.?

正确答案:A. The widespread of illegal drug is the greatest concern of the Americans


17. How much is spent each year in fighting against the use of illegal drugs in the U.S.?

正确答案: C. 15 billion dollars


18. Which of the following is cited as evidence in support of the proposal to make drugs legal?

正确答案:D. More money being needed in education and medical care.

19. There are several arguments against legalizing drugs, which of the following is not one of these arguments?

正确答案:A. Legalizing drugs would be considered unconstitutional.


20. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

正确答案:A. Americans have not chosen legalization as a solution to drug problem.


