
2009-09-14 00:00:00来源:上海新东方学校

2009年秋季上海外语口译考试9月13日开考 新东方中高级口译名师邱政政著作 2009年秋中高级口译模考试题火爆下载 邱政政:大鹏一日同风起 邱邱影像:看电影,学英语

新东方9.13高口听力Listening and Translation 参考答案

上海新东方口译研究中心 K

Passage Translation

1. How to write a good news story? Unless the correspondent is an eye witness, it is rare to trust any single source. Rumor and gossip can confuse the situation. So you have to check information as much as possible. Using commonsense and experience as final checks to help establish just what is likely to be the truth or close to it. Once the information is avalable, it has to be written in an interesting and easily understood way. Particularly for a radio, since while a newspaper reader can turn back and reread a sentence or two, the radio listener has only one chance. So there should be an element of repetition.


2. Volvo, Sweden’s largest car-making group, has announced plans to make 500 staff redundant at its U.K. – based subsidiary in Scotland. The redundancies are part of a move by Volvo to improve productivity. But the news of redundancy has been badly received here in Scotland. I spoke to some of the workers at a Volvo subsidiary factory. They say these are unnecessary job losses. It’s devastating. It will destroy entire communities. Volvo strongly denies that communities will collapse as the result of the job losses. They say they will improve investment and business. The group’s cost-cutting measure also extends to Spain, where they will make job cuts at its other subsidiary factory, which employed 30.000 people.



2009年3月15日高级口译考试真题汇总 2009年3月15日中级口译考试真题汇总 新东方权威解析9.13高口听力长对话 新东方权威发布:9.13中级口译听力原文

