
2012-07-10 00:00:00来源:可可英语

  今天我们要学的词是 dry up. Dry is spelled d-r-y,dry; and up, u-p, up; dry up. Dry up, 意思是耗尽,用光。今年年初开始的阿拉伯革命目前的焦点集中在叙利亚,随着西方国家的制裁,As cash starts to dry up, more Syrians see that the current regime is not sustainable. 随着政府资金被耗尽,越来越多的叙利亚人意识到目前的政权难以为继。维基解秘网站由于资金不足,暂时停止了发布解密文件。Wikileaks ended its publication of leaked documents after funds dried up. 加拿大中央银行行长最近表示,Global liquidity is about to dry up again, and the real economy will soon feel the impact. 全球资产将再次耗尽,经济体将很快受到影响。好的,今天我们学习的词是dry up, dry up, dry up.

  A: dry up, 耗尽。刚才节目中说的都是资金用光,我可不可以用dry up形容一个人灵感枯竭,没主意了呢?

  B: Of course! For example, you can say the author's inspiration dried up after his first novel.

  A: 这个作家在出了第一本小说后就灵感枯竭了?

  B: That's right!

  A: 写东西可不容易,我以前也一时兴起想写小说,可写着写着就写不下去了,My ideas dried up! That was so frustrating! 我只好放弃了当作家的梦。

  B: You shouldn't have! You probably just ran into writer's block. It'll go away if you don't give up.

  A: Writer's block? 哦,就是写作是遇到的瓶颈吧!嗯,看来我今天回家要把我的大作重新整理一下,没准能有新灵感!

  B: Good luck! I'd like to be your first reader!

  A: That's really nice of you, Kat! 好了,咱们继续听节目吧!Let's listen to Popular American.

  Popular American 387 dressed to kill, ants in the pants

  各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。今天 Larry 和李华要去参加暑期实习工作的面试,两个人都很紧张。李华会学到两个常用语:dressed to kill 和 ants in your pants。

  LH: Larry! 你来啦! 坐这吧, 我留了位子给你。

  LL: Thank you Li Hua. Wow...you're really dressed to kill today.

  LH: Dressed to kill...我看起来很像杀人犯吗?

  LL: No! Absolutely not. Dressed to kill means you're so well dressed that people will be unable to take their eyes off you.

  LH: 喔. 你是说我打扮的很抢眼吗? 呵呵, 谢谢啦~ Your dress kills too!

  LL: Mmm...we generally don't say a person's dress kills. You have to say a person is dressed to kill. This means the way they have dressed is bound to kill people because it is so eye catching.

  LH: 喔, 我懂了,应该说一个人 is dressed to kill. 因为穿得太抢眼了,看到的人都会吃惊得昏过去,就好像是这个人把他们杀死了一样,是这样吗?

  LL: You can put it that way! How about we practice a bit? How would you say I am well dressed?

  LH: Larry, you are dressed to kill!

  LL: Thank you. That's how you use the phrase. So are you Li Hua!

  LH: 可是我好紧张喔…… 你看,我脚都在抖呢!

  LL: Wow. You're right. It's like you have ants in your pants!

  LH: 我哪有……没有蚂蚁啊……

  LL: To have ants in your pants means you're really nervous and anxious, unable to sit still.

  LH: To have ants in your pants 是指一个人很紧张,坐立难安,就好像有蚂蚁在裤子里爬来爬去的。啊……我的确是这样……Larry, how come you don't have ants in your pants? 难道你不紧张吗?

  LL: Haha. It's okay to say someone has ants in their pants, but it's a bit awkward to say someone doesn't.

  LH: 你说, to have ants in your pants 不适合反过来说? 所以不能说 you don't have ants in your pants. 不过 Larry, 你看起来一点也不紧张耶,you look so cool and collected.

  LL: That's because I'm dressed to kill. So I don't have to worry about first impressions. And I also spent three hours practicing the interview yesterday. I'm pretty sure I got this.

  LH: 哇, 你昨天练习了三个小时啊?? 我都没练习,怎么办??

  LL: It's okay. You are also dressed to kill today! Just remember to smile and sound as professional and as natural as possible.

  LH: 你要我保持微笑, 然后说话自然,表现出专业水准吗? 好,那我试试。Larry, 问我一个问题吧!

  LL: Can you give me an example of an American slang and make a sentence with it?

  LH: Sure. I will talk about "ants in your pants". Umm umm...I'm so nervous that I get ants in my pants! 我不行了,Larry.

  LL: Haha, relax Li Hua. You actually made a correct sentence!

  LH: 咦, 我造句造对了吗? 好险……

  LL: Do you feel a little more confident now?

  LH: 好像真的感觉好多了耶……

  LL: See? You shouldn't worry too much. That's the only thing that's stopping you from doing well.

  LH: 好,反正现在还有时间,你再问我一个问题吧!

  LL: Okay, Li Hua. Can you explain what it means when a person is dressed to kill?

  LH: When a person is dressed to kill, it means that person has dressed up in such a fashionable or professional way that he or she attracts everyone's attention.

  LL: Very good! That's a good definition too. I think you got this, Li Hua!

  LH: 是吗...那就好。

  LH: 啊, 轮到我了!

  LL: Good luck, Li Hua!

  各位听众,今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 dressed to kill, 表示“打扮得十分抢眼”;另一个是 ants in your pants, 代表“坐立难安”。    

本文关键字: 商务英语词汇

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