
2012-11-19 00:00:00来源:网络

  In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in each year’s October.However, In America, Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. The holiday lasts three days. It’s a family reunion festival, all the family members will try their best to go back to home no matter where they are. In America and Canada, the importance of this festival is equal with the Christmas Day.

  Many of the Canada’s traditional festivals are origin from The United Kingdom, the same with the Thanksgiving Day. In Canada, Thanksgiving Day has no matter with the religion. The theme of Thanksgiving is to show their thanks to the nature and celebrate the harvest. The nature grants sunshine and dew, which make the grains grow and supply enough to let the human beings pass a year peacefully.

  一家人团聚一堂,享用烤火鸡和南瓜派是最经典的感恩节画面。可是你知道为什麽是火鸡和南瓜呢? 想当初物力维艰,放眼望去,只有满地的野生火鸡和盛产的南瓜,自然而然就成为时令的佳肴了。
  The most classic scene on Thanksgiving Day is that all the family members sit together to enjoy the toasted turkey and pampkin pie. But why they choose the two things? That’s because in leaner times, there were not enough kinds of food, except the wild turkeys which could be seen everyehere and the pumpkin which growed a lot in this season, so they became the seasonal delicacies naturally.

  The traditional cooking methd of thurkey is to put all the stuffing like crountons,onion, celery and sage into the turkey,and toast them in the oven together.

  一般的主妇喜欢越大越好,因为当天吃不完的,巧手就可变化成火鸡派、火鸡馅饼,颇有我们吃年菜的味道。 至於南瓜派,加拿大最传统的吃法,是淋上盛产的蔓越莓酱汁(Cranberry sauce),而做南瓜派的小心得,据说,以罐头南瓜制作会比新鲜的来的香醇顺口。
  Most housewives prefer turkeys with a bigger size, because the unfinished turkey could be made into turkey pot pie and turkey patties. As to the pumpkin pie, the traditional way to eat in Canada is to pour the canberry sauce on the surface. It is said that the pumpkin pies which are made by canned pumpkin are more delicious.

  In addition to Candia’s Thanksgiving has no religion meaning, the basic reason why Thanksgiving Day is in October in Canada is that Canada"s latitude is higher, the mature season of grains is relatively early.

本文关键字: 感恩节
