
2013-02-16 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语

    今年美国国家橄榄球联盟年度冠军赛“超级碗”(Super Bowl)决赛电视直播的30秒广告时段收费约380万美元,轻而易举地成为美国有史以来最昂贵的电视广告。然而对商家来说,购买这一重大赛事的电视广告时段可能是最有效率的媒体宣传手段。 
    At about $3.8 million for a 30-second spot, an ad on this year"s Super Bowl was easily the most expensive ad buy on television. For marketers, though, buying a spot during the big game may be the most efficient media play on Madison Avenue. 
    That's only partly because of the huge audience for the game─111 million people watched last year, according to Nielsen. 
    The other major benefit of a Super Bowl ad is the free media attention the spots attract, which can more than justify their cost. 
    快餐连锁企业赛百味(Subway)的首席营销长佩斯(Tony Pace)说,“超级碗”的广告会在其他媒体上引发反响,从而积累极大的价值,远远超过广告时段本身。 
    Super Bowl ads get a 'ripple of media that adds up to enormous value above and beyond the spot itself,' says Tony Pace, chief marketing officer of Subway. 
    赛百味今年购买了这场比赛进行期间的两个广告时段,其中一则有减肥达人弗格尔(Jared Fogle)和美国奥运选手大野阿波罗(Apolo Ohno)等该公司的代言人出镜。好几份报纸和数家新闻网站都都曾提及和描述过赛百味的广告。 
    The fast-food chain bought two Super Bowl ads this year; one ad features its cast of pitchmen, including Jared Fogle and Olympian Apolo Ohno. The ads have been mentioned and written about in several newspapers and on several news websites. 
    Mr. Pace says he believes the spots, which his company made public only shortly before the game, would receive about a half-million dollars worth of free publicity even before the game airs. 
    另一家经常在这个赛事上做广告的公司梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)同意这种看法。其美国子公司的首席执行长加农(Steve Cannon)说,一定程度上得益于其他媒体的免费宣传,我们轻而易举地就收回了自己的广告投资。这家公司购买了今年这项比赛期间的60秒广告时段。流行音乐明星亚瑟小子(Usher)、超级模特凯特 阿普顿(Kate Upton)和演员威廉 达福(Willem Dafoe)等名人在这则广告中亮相。 
    Mercedes-Benz, another Super Bowl advertiser, agrees. Thanks in part to the publicity from media outlets, 'we have easily recouped our investment,' says Steve Cannon, chief executive of Mercedes-Benz USA unit, which bought a 60-second ad during the game. The spot features celebrities such as pop star Usher, supermodel Kate Upton and actor Willem Dafoe. 
    加农拒绝披露这家奢华汽车品牌在“超级碗”上的广告支出,但是他说,这是一笔八位数的投资。德国戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)的子公司梅赛德斯-奔驰估计,该公司已经获得价值大约2,000万美元的媒体免费宣传。 
    Mr. Cannon declined to disclose the luxury auto brand's Super Bowl spending but says it was an 'eight-figure investment.' Mercedes-Benz, a unit of Germany's Daimler AG, DAI.XE +1.34% estimates it has received about $20 million in free media coverage of the ad. 
    梅赛德斯-奔驰说,美国许多主流报纸,以及包括福克斯(Fox)、有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network, 简称:CNN)、美国国家广播公司(NBC)和ESPN在内的许多电视台的新闻和娱乐节目都提到了这则广告。加农也在许多电视新闻报道里露面。 
    Mercedes-Benz says the ad has been mentioned in many major newspapers around the U.S. and on many TV news and entertainment programs on networks including Fox, CNN, NBC and ESPN. Mr. Cannon appeared in many of the television news stories. 
    梅赛德斯-奔驰的发言人波兰德(Donna Boland)说,过去几个星期,梅赛德斯-奔驰的内部公关团队每天都会收到来自各种媒体的超过50个问题。该公司还有两个外部的公关公司,以吸引媒体关注。 
    Over the past few weeks, Mercedes-Benz's internal public-relations team has been fielding more than 50 inquiries a day from various media, said Donna Boland, the company's manager of corporate communication. It also has two outside public-relations firms working on generating media attention. 
    广告业高管认为,苹果公司1984年著名的超级碗广告使这个比赛成为广告的展示窗,商家争相制造前所未有的奢华广告。在苹果的这则广告中,一名年轻的女运动员砸碎了“老大哥”的形象。坎纳(BERNICE KANNER)2004年出版的《广告业的超级碗》一书中说,这个广告意外地吸引了媒体的注意力──新闻节目反复播放了苹果的广告,把它当做一则新闻来报道。 
    Ad executives credit Apple Inc.'s AAPL -0.41% famous 1984 Super Bowl spot, in which a young female athlete shatters an image of Big Brother, for helping transform the game into an advertising showcase, where marketers compete to produce lavish, never-seen-before spots. That ad helped attract extra attention from the media─newscasts rebroadcast Apple's commercial, treating it as a story, according to 'The Super Bowl of Advertising,' Bernice Kanner's 2004 book on the subject. 
    随着时间的推移,媒体的报道范围不断扩大。2002年,百事可乐估计,该公司从布兰妮 斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)代言的90秒的超级碗广告中获得了价值1,000万美元的免费宣传。 
    Over time the media coverage expanded. In 2002, PepsiCo estimated it got $10 million in free publicity for its 90-second Super Bowl ad featuring Britney Spears. 
    Many advertisers hire extra public-relations firms to help promote their Super Bowl spots to a growing list of interested media outlets, including late-night talks shows, morning news programs, newspapers, bloggers and online video shows. 

本文关键字: 超级碗
