
2013-04-07 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Nothing obsesses the British as much as social class .There was a time when you were defined socially by your job, your education, your accent and, to some extent, how you spent your income. But today the social signifiers are far more varied and interwoven, as detailed in the publication today of the Great British Class Survey, the largest such study ever undertaken in the UK.


  After questioning more than 161,000 people online via a 20-minute survey, the London School of Economics" Mike Savage and the University of Manchester's Fiona Devine have concluded that we should now do away with the out-moded working, middle and upper classes and instead adopt seven new classes. They are in descending order: Elite; Established Middle Class; Technical Middle Class, New Affluent Workers; Emergent Service Workers; Traditional Working Class; and Precariat.


  "We asked people about their income, the value of their home and savings, which together is known as 'economic capital', their cultural interests and activities, known as 'cultural capital' and the number and status of people they know, which is called 'social capital'," explained the researchers.


  Predictably, thousands of people have already completed the BBC's Great British class calculator to see what new class they fall under. But not everyone, it seems, is convinced. I was told I'm a New Affluent Worker, but I may have confused it by saying I listen to hip-hop/rap, as well as visiting stately homes.


  What class are you? Do you think the new classifications are fair and accurately reflect modern Britain? What extra class categories could the researchers have added? Or do surveys such as this make you want to hold your fist up high and declare class war?


本文关键字: 社会资本
