暮光之城情侣再分手 找泰勒斯威夫特求安慰

2013-05-22 00:00:00来源:沪江英语网

  Time to blast"We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together?" After Kristen Stewart was caught cheating in July 2012, Robert Pattinson hid out at Reese Witherspoon's house. For their latest breakup, Stewart is seeking comfort from a girl who definitely knows how to deal with heartache: Taylor Swift.

  是时候唱起《We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together》了?去年夏天,在克里斯汀·斯图尔特被抓到劈腿后,罗伯特·帕丁森躲到了瑞茜·威瑟斯彭的家中。而在他们最近一次分手后,斯图尔特向一个女孩寻求安慰。这个女孩绝对算得上解决情感问题的专家了,她便是:泰勒·斯威夫特。

  A source confirms exclusively to Us Weekly that the Snow White and the Huntsman actress was on her way to visit Swift's Beverly Hills home. The insider tells Us that Stewart was driven by a girlfriend to the singer's place and "spent all day" there before returning home.

  US WEEKLY得到独家消息,这位《白雪公主与猎人》的女主拜访了斯威夫特位于比利佛山庄的家。知情人还透露,斯图尔特是由一个女性朋友开车去的斯威夫特家,并且呆了一整天的时间后才回家。

  A source close to Pattinson told Us on May 18 that the Twilight costars were taking a break from their four-year relationship. The two have been having ongoingproblems since Stewart's fling with Rupert Sanders, and a recent fight over Pattinson's birthday party pushed them over the edge.

  5月18日,和帕丁森相熟的知情人告诉US WEEKLY,这对《暮光之城》的合作演员决定暂时停止他们四年的感情。这对情侣自从斯图尔特和鲁伯特·桑德斯偷腥的事件后一直都有问题,直到最近因为帕丁森生日派对的争吵把他们彼此推到了边缘。

  On Sunday, Pattinson was photographed moving his possessions and dogs out of Stewart's L.A. home in his pickup truck. "She tried, they both tried," a source close to the couple tells Us. "They're both good people. It was just not the right thing for either of them right now."

  周日,帕丁森还被拍到把自己的狗及个人物品从克里斯汀·斯图尔特家搬到敞篷小货车里。“她努力了,他们都努力了,”某位与他们相熟的人士告诉US WEEKLY,“他们都是很好的人,只是现在这段感情对两人都不是正确的选择。”

本文关键字: 暮光之城
