
2013-06-22 00:00:00来源:网络

 The South Korean government has taken a lot of criticism over the years for its national branding initiatives. Its Globalization of Hansik (Korean cuisine)‘ campaign, launched in 2009 and costing around $20 million, was no exception.
  But whether by accident or design, the country is gaining a higher profile as a travel, culture and culinary destination. In the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands' 2012 survey, which ranks countries based on the strength of the national brand, South Korea was up five places from 2008 to 28th.
  但无论是无心之举还是有意为之,韩国作为旅游、文化和美食目的地的知名度都在提升。在2012年Anholt-GfK Roper国家品牌调查中,韩国的排名上升至28位,较2008年上升了五位。该调查根据各国国家品牌实力进行排名。
  Further evidence of South Korea's progress came in the 2013 ' Best of Travel' list from Lonely Planet, which ranked the country as the third most desirable nation to visit.
  显示韩国知名度上升的更多证据来自2013年Lonely Planet编制的“最佳旅游”名单。它将韩国列为第三大梦想旅游目的地。
  The publisher of travel guides cites South Korea's outdoor recreation scene, which remains relatively unknown internationally. Anyone who has breached Seoul's city limits can attest to the beauty of the mountainous South Korean countryside, something that can be shared on weekends with small armies of middle-aged locals out hiking。
  Simon Anholt, an advisor to the South Korean government on nation branding, notes the role played by spontaneous cultural forces in boosting the national image as well as the nation's increasingly prominent role in the world.
  韩国政府国家品牌顾问安霍尔特(Simon Anholt)指出了自发性文化力量对于提升国家形象和韩国在世界上日益重要的地位所发挥的作用。
  'In addition to Korea's unexpected and uncontrollable phenomena like 'Gangnam Style', the country is beginning to attract the respect and attention of a wider world,' he says。
  'Korea's growing success stems from the fact that it seems to finally coming to terms with the reality that state propaganda is simply a waste of money,' Mr. Anholt explains, 'and that a better international reputation can be earned, not constructed.'
  The visitor numbers are also picking up. Peter Park, director of the Korea Tourism Organization's brand marketing team, notes that the number of visitors to Korea increased at a rate of 11.5% over a five-year period from 2008 through 2012, and for the first time last year attracted more than ten million visitors.
  游客数量也在上升。韩国旅游发展局(Korea Tourism Organization)品牌营销团队主管Peter Park指出,从2008年至2012年的五年时间里,韩国入境游客数量增长11.5%,去年游客数量首次超过1,000万。

本文关键字: 旅游目的地
