视频:老夫妇病床前合唱《You are my sunshine》

2013-06-24 00:00:00来源:沪江英语网

  Video of an 86-year-old Utah couple singing a classic song shows what true love looks like.


  "Come up a little closer," James Pinegar says to his wife, Colleen, reaching for her hand from his hospital bed. "This is special to me."


  What follows is a touching renditionof "You Are My Sunshine" that brings tears to the couple's eyes, as they continue to sing despite the emotion rising in their voices. Married for 66 years, the couple sings "You Are My Sunshine" to the very end, seeing the entire song through.

  老夫妇合唱的这首感人版本的《You Are My Sunshine》,让他们俩的眼眶都湿润了。尽管声音里可以听出情绪波动,但他们还是坚持唱下去了。这对已经结婚66年的老夫妇坚持唱完了整首歌。

  The Pinegars' daughter, Linda Whitaker, posted the video on YouTube in February and the beautiful testamentto love now has more than 200,000 views and 700 comments.


  "That song is their theme song and they have sung it together over the years," she explained. "They are an amazing couple. She didn't leave his side for the three months he was in the hopsital. He really thought at this time that he was going to die."

  “这是他们的主题曲,过去很多年他们都合唱过这首歌,” 琳达解释道。“我的爸爸妈妈是很了不起的一对,在爸爸生病住院的三个月时间里,妈妈一直陪在他的身边,爸爸当时真的觉得自己要死了。”

  Whitaker's father was hospitalized after an act of neighborliness unfortunately backfired: While helping a 90-year-old neighbor who had fallen on the ice, James fell as well. The fall led to hip replacement surgery, "and then while in the hospital he got a blood infection. This has been a process. He is feeling better but at 86 it has taken a toll," Whitaker said.


  Besides seeing the love he and his wife share, the YouTube video has an added bonus for the couple: "They have had fun sharing it with people and have loved the responses," Whitaker explained.

  这个Youtube视频让观众看到了詹姆斯和妻子之间的爱,观众的反应对这对老夫妇来说也是额外的奖励:“他们很乐于分享,也非常喜欢大家的回应。” 琳达解释道。

  As the person at the end of Whitaker's video so succinctlyput it: "Now I need a tissue."


本文关键字: 合唱经典歌曲
