
2013-06-26 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  The Perfect Pint of Guinness


  There's no better place to drink a pint of Guinness than in Ireland, and drinking a pint of Guinness in an Irish pub is high on many people's agenda for a vacation to Ireland.


  The Guinness Story


  Guinness is Ireland's biggest export, enjoyed in 150 countries around the world, in cities from Dublin to Darwin! The story of the black stuff starts in 1759 with Arthur Guinness. Born in 1725 in Co. Kildare, Arthur was the son of the Archbishop of Cashel's steward and brewer. In 1759, at the age of 31, Arthur Guinness set up his own brewery at St. James Gate in Dublin. In 1799, Arthur was to make the instrumental decision to cease brewing traditional ales in favor of brewing the dark black stout, then known as London Porter. Guinness Stout was born and today is still brewed at St James Gate in Dublin, and almost 50 countries around the world.

  吉尼斯黑啤酒是爱尔兰出口第一的商品, 吉尼斯黑啤从爱尔兰首都都柏林出口向世界各地,全球已经有150多个国家享受到了吉尼斯黑啤酒的美味。吉尼斯黑啤酒问世于1759年,它的创始人叫亚瑟.吉尼斯。亚瑟.吉尼斯出生于爱尔兰基尔代尔郡,他的父亲是大主教的管家和啤酒制造者。1759年,亚瑟在都柏林的圣詹姆士门创建了自己的啤酒厂.1799年亚瑟在啤酒酿造上做出重大转型,他停止酿造传统的麦芽啤酒,开始酿造黑啤酒,即为后来的伦敦波特黑啤酒, 吉尼斯黑啤酒在此之后诞生。如今, 爱尔兰柏林的圣詹姆士门任然出产吉尼斯黑啤. 吉尼斯黑啤的出产地也遍及了全世界50多个国家

  The Perfect Guinness


  What goes into the perfect pint of Guinness? The ingredients of Guinness are specially roasted barley, water from St James' Wells in the Wicklow Mountains, hops, for flavor and aroma, yeast descended from Arthur Guinness' original batch and a touch of that Guinness magic! But the perfect pint requires that all-important two part pour. Firstly, tilt the glass to a 45-degree angle and pour until three quarters full. Then leave the glass to rest and the pint to settle. Once settled fill up the glass and there you have your perfect pint of Guinness

  怎样的吉尼斯黑啤酒才是最完美的?以下材料必须有: 特别炒制的大麦、来自威克罗山脉的泉水、增添香气的啤酒花还必须有的是亚瑟祖传的酒曲,那是酿制吉尼斯黑啤的关键所在。然而除了酿酒的材料,斟酒的方法也极为讲究,必须有两个关键步骤:第一步,将酒杯45度倾斜,酒斟到4分之3后,将酒杯放平,静置,静置到一定时候再将啤酒斟满,这时候才能品尝到最完美的吉尼斯黑啤。

  Guinness in Irelan


  Though Cork has Murphy's and Beamish Stout, Guinness is undoubtedly the most widely enjoyed drink in Ireland and no trip to Dublin is complete without a pint at the Guinness Storehouse. Here in the original St James' Gate brewery visitors can see for themselves how Guinness is brewed and enjoy the produce in the Gravity Bar overlooking the Dublin skyline.


  US President Barack Obama, sampled a pint of Guinness in the home village of his Irish ancestors on his first visit to Ireland, and famously remarked after his first tatse that it does indeed taste better in Ireland.


  Throughout Ireland, there are a number of historic Irish pubs where you can enjoy a perfect pint of Guinness, while on your vacation in Ireland.


本文关键字: 黑啤酒
