In Hindi, gudiya means "doll.' It was the nickname of a tiny 14-year-old girl with a light complexion, long black hair and a round face. She was given the name by the people who sent her to have paid sex with men in neighborhoods on the fringes of South Delhi over five months, starting two years ago.
Since last December, when a 23-year-old New Delhi student died after being gang-raped on a moving bus, India has been embroiled in debate over how to better protect women against sexual assault (a need highlighted by this week's news of the rape of a 30-year-old American tourist). The story of Gudiya, pieced together through interviews and official reports, points to a different sort of abusive treatment: the exploitation of women, including many children, for sex. (Gudiya's real name is being withheld in accordance with India's laws governing juveniles.)
In 2004, as a small girl, Gudiya lived with her parents on a quiet street in Govindpuri, a messy, broiling New Delhi neighborhood. Her father, Jitender Gupta, had recently been released from prison for a murder conviction. In 2005, Gudiya's mother died from tuberculosis.
在2004年时,古迪娅还是一个女童,她与父母住在戈温德普里(Govindpuri)──新德里一个混乱酷热的社区──一条僻静的街道上。那时她的父亲吉滕德尔??古普塔(Jitender Gupta)谋杀罪刑满出狱不久。2005年,她的母亲因肺结核去世。
Mr. Gupta worked long hours selling vegetables from the roadside. He struggled with Gudiya. He beat her with his belt and fists, his daughter later told authorities. His response, in an interview: I didn't. But if I did, it was for her own good.
Their relationship became so sour that Gudiya was put in an orphanage, where she stayed for three years before walking out when she was roughly 13. She bounced among various relatives before returning to her father. In late May 2011, saying she feared violence when her father came home drunk, Gudiya, then 14, took off─ultimately finding refuge with a woman called Pooja Pandey back in the neighborhood where Gudiya had grown up. They were already acquainted: Ms. Pandey knew Gudiya and her father because her husband also ran a vegetable stall.
他们的关系变得非常糟糕,古迪娅也因此被送到了孤儿院。她在孤儿院呆了三年时间,大概在13岁的时候离开了那儿。她不断在不同的亲戚家借住,最后回到了自己父亲身边。2011年5月底,当时已14岁的古迪娅离家出走,她说因为她害怕父亲喝醉酒回家施暴。后来她来到她长大的那个社区,躲在一个名叫普嘉??潘迪(Pooja Pandey)的女人的家中。她们早已相识,因为普嘉的丈夫也摆了一个蔬菜摊,所以她认识古迪娅和她的父亲。
But the couple didn't tell Gudiya's father where she was. Instead, Ms. Pandey viewed the young girl as a possible wife for her nephew. She tried to talk Gudiya into the marriage, but the girl balked. Ms. Pandey presented her with a choice, according to a statement the older woman later gave to police: 'You either marry with our nephew or do prostitution.'
Gudiya was silent, according to her own later statement to a judge. That night, Ms. Pandey and her husband, Sandeep, took Gudiya to Mr. Pandey's village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which borders Delhi to the east, according to an account provided by Gudiya as well as police statements by the Pandeys. She still refused to wed.
Gudiya was given bitter white alcohol to drink. Then Mr. Pandey took her to the roof of the house and told her to lie down. Ms. Pandey held Gudiya's hands. Mr. Pandey undressed and raped her, according to both women and Mr. Pandey's police statement. The couple could not be reached for comment.
The next morning, the husband and wife returned to Delhi, leaving Gudiya in the village. A month later, Gudiya rejoined them. Mr. Pandey raped her repeatedly─and with his wife's knowledge─over three days, according to all three. The couple brought other men to her as well, charging them each 500 rupees ($9), according to the Pandeys' statements and to Gudiya. Gudiya later told a counselor that there were other young girls working at the house. (The counselor's report and others were provided, in redacted form, by Delhi's child-protection agency.)
Prostitution is not illegal in India, but related activities, such as soliciting and running a brothel, are. Having sex with a minor is considered rape.
Around August 2011, Gudiya was subcontracted out for one week to another couple who ran a prostitution racket, Ms. Pandey's statement said. The deal was that Gudiya was to have sex with seven men a day for seven days, Gudiya later told a counselor. She also told the counselor that when the woman of the house realized how young she was, the number of days was reduced to four.
When her contract was over, Gudiya returned to stay with Pooja Pandey. Months later, the Pandeys were arrested and charged with a range of crimes, including gang-rape, earning from prostitution and inducing a person into prostitution. The other couple whom Gudiya said she worked for at that time face similar charges. All deny the charges, their lawyers say. Their trial has yet to begin.
For more than a year, Gudiya has been cared for in a juvenile rehabilitation home in Delhi. Her father says he met her toward the end of last month. 'Papa, let me study right now,' he says she told him. Of her stay in the juvenile-care home, she added: 'I am fine here.' She will turn 16 later this month.
本文关键字: 孤儿院
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻