
2013-07-26 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  A new bird flu virus that has infected 132 people in recent months and killed 43 is capable of spreading from mammal to mammal through the air, a study by a team of Chinese virologists has found, rekindling fears that the virus could eventually pass from person to person.


  The study, published online Thursday by the journal Science, found that one strain of the H7N9 virus isolated from a human subject in eastern China"s Anhui province was 'highly transmissible' between ferrets by respiratory droplets, according to a summary posted to Science's website.


  Led by Chen Hualan, one of China's top virologists, researchers tested the ability of multiple strains of the virus to spread by placing three healthy ferrets in one cage next three infected ferrets in another cage. In most cases, only one of the healthy ferrets became infected, but in the case of the Anhui strain, all three of the healthy ferrets became infected with the virus. A repeat of the experiment with the Anhui strain produced the same result.


  Ferrets respond to flu viruses similarly to humans and thus are often used to test the potential of avian flu viruses in infect and spread between people.


  H7N9 was confirmed to have made the jump from birds to humans for the first time in March, when state media revealed that two people in Shanghai had died after being infected with the virus the previous month. Other deaths soon followed, prompting officials to shut down wet markets and slaughter poultry in a number of cities amid fears of a potential epidemic.


  Despite discovering a handful of 'family clusters' or infections of multiple family members health authorities have yet to turn up evidence that H7N9 is capable human-to-human transmission, which would make it far more dangerous.


  But the new study reinforces earlier warnings from the World Heath Organization and Chinese authorities that the virus has a higher potential for human-to-human transmission than any other known bird-flu virus.

  但上述新的研究印证了早些时候世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)和中国有关部门发出的警告,他们曾警告说,相比其他任何一种已知的禽流感病毒,H7N9病毒有更高的人际传播的可能。

  'The findings suggest that only a few amino acid changes would be needed to make the avian H7N9 viruses highly transmissible,' the official Xinhua news agency quoted Ms. Chen as saying on Friday.


  In its summary of the new study, Science notes that the results conflict with an earlier study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control featuring a similar experiment using the same Anhui strain of the virus. In that experiment the virus spread to only two of six healthy ferrets, leading researchers to conclude that the virus did not spread readily through the air.

  在对上述新的研究的总结中,《科学》杂志指出,研究结果与早些时候美国疾病控制与预防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)使用同样的安徽毒株进行的类似研究得出的结果不一致。在美国疾病控制与预防中心的实验中,病毒只传染给了六只健康雪貂中的两只,研究人员由此得出结论,病毒不易通过空气传播。

  A third study led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka produced similar results to the CDC. The researchers concluded nevertheless that H7N9 respresented a significant public health threat.

  另外一项由病毒学家河冈义裕(Yoshihiro Kawaoka)主持的研究得出的结果与美国疾病控制与预防中心得出的结果类似。不过研究人员仍得出结论说,H7N9可能给公众健康带来严重威胁。

  The number of human H7N9 infections has dropped off significantly in recent months, though Ms. Chen warned in her interview with Xinhua the virus continues to exist in animals. The fact that the virus doesn't produce symptoms in birds means it can 'replicate silently' and transmit to unsuspecting humans, providing multiple chances for it to mutate and potentially become more dangerous, she said.


本文关键字: H7N9禽流感病毒
