The newest heir to the British royal throne made his first public appearance on Tuesday, as he left the hospital with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
英国王位的最新继承人周二首次公开亮相,随父母剑桥公爵及公爵夫人(Duke and Duchess of Cambridge)离开了医院。
The royal couple posed for photographs with their first born, who is third in line to the throne, on the steps of the London"s St. Mary's Hospital shortly after 7 p.m. U.K. time.
英国时间晚上7点多,这对王室夫妇在伦敦圣玛丽医院(St. Mary’s Hospital)的台阶上抱着他们的第一个孩子拍照。这个孩子是王位第三顺位继承人。
Fielding questions for the first time since the birth of their son Monday afternoon, Prince William and the former Kate Middleton described the experience of becoming parents as 'very emotional.'
周一下午,威廉王子(Prince William)和王妃凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)在儿子出生后首次回答问题时说,为人父母的体验“令人心情激荡”。
'He's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure,' said Prince William, holding his son swaddled in a cream blanket. 'He's got her looks, thankfully,' he added, nodding toward his wife. The duchess added that Prince William had already changed his first 'nappy.'
The first public sighting of the baby will go a long way toward satisfying the mass of world media that has been camped outside the hospital for days awaiting a glimpse of the new prince and his mother. But the royal couple is keeping them and the public guessing on another important front: the new prince's name.
'We're still working on a name, so we'll have that as soon as we can,' Prince William said. The royal couple then went back inside the hospital briefly, before leaving by car to take their boy home to Kensington Palace.
Their departure followed visits Tuesday afternoon by both sets of grandparents: Prince William's father, Prince Charles, and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, as well as the parents of the former Kate Middleton. As she left the hospital, the Duchess of Cambridge's mother, Carole Middleton, said both new mother and baby were 'doing really well.'
他们离开医院前,小王子的祖父母和外祖父母周二下午前往看望,也就是威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子(Prince Charles)和妻子康沃尔公爵夫人(Duchess of Cornwall),以及凯特王妃的父母。剑桥公爵夫人的母亲卡罗尔·米德尔顿(Carole Middleton)离开医院时说,新妈妈和宝宝的情况都非常好。
Outside Buckingham Palace, crowds continued to gather Tuesday to view the easel officially announcing the baby's birth, which has been on public display since Monday.
Sam O'Neill, a secondary school history teacher from Bromley, Kent, waited about a half-hour with her mother, Jenny Edwards, a former nurse at a London hospital. Having just taken a tour of the House of Commons, Mrs. O'Neill said: 'We couldn't not come and see this historic moment having just seen the past history of our kings and queens.' The women were delighted at the short wait; after Princess Diana died, they waited in a line eight hours overnight to commemorate her.
来自肯特郡布罗姆利(Bromley)的初中历史教师奥尼尔(Sam O’Neill)与曾为伦敦一家医院护士的母亲爱德华兹(Jenny Edwards)一起等了大约半个小时。刚刚参观了下议院的奥尼尔说,刚刚看过了我们历代国王和女王以往的历史之后,我们一定得来看看这个历史性的时刻。她们两人很高兴等待的时间不长;戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)去世后,她们为悼念她彻夜排了八个小时的队。
本文关键字: 英国新生王室宝宝
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