
2013-07-29 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  A deeply religious father of five pulled off the ultimate escape in 1991, disappearing from his family"s life and eventually being declared dead.


  But in 2007 -- nearly two decades after his vanishing act -- Eeric Myers made a shocking return to his family's life as a gay man who had spent much of his new life living with a man.

  然而,2007年,埃里克.迈尔斯,这个男人失踪近20的男人, 居然重返家园,更让人震惊的是,他居然和另一个男人重新组建了家庭。


  In an extensive interview with ABC News last week, Myers tried to explain why he left for a real estate seminar in San Diego on June 25, 1991, and never came back."I just wanted it all to end. I wanted everything to end," Myers told ABC News, explaining how he felt trapped by a Christian background and marriage that suppressed his sexuality.


  After being robbed in California, Myers headed to Mexico and then to Palm Springs, where he met a Canadian tourist who would eventually become his husband.


  But while Myers may have finally felt free, his family in Arizona was devastated and emotionally traumatized, according to a 2011 report published by The Arizona Republic.


  In 2007, Myers said he began to feel like he needed to make peace with his parents. He did realize, however, that his wife and children might not want to see him. Indeed, his wife, Anne, said her first reaction was "the Antichrist had returned."


  Besides the emotional complications, Myers"s homecoming also was contentious legally. After his return, the family became embroiled in a court battle with Liberty Life Insurance, which claims the Myers family owes $800,000 plus interest in death benefits.


  Myers' life story has received mixed reviews in the media, with many questioning his motivations and asking whether it's ever acceptable to abandon one's children. Still, he's certainly not the only person to flee his family only to return years later.


  So far, Myers maintains he has no regrets about coming back from the "dead"; some his relatives, however, haven't been so quick to forgive him.


  "I know a lot of [gay] people who would never do this and absolutely never blame it on their homosexuality," youngest daughter Kirsten Myers Ruggiano told ABC. "I don't believe that he is capable of love ... toward anyone but himself."


本文关键字: 死而复生
