
2013-07-30 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Your job might not have an employee wellness program, but there are ways to make it a healthier, happier place to spend eight hours a day.


  If you"re like most people, your workplace isn't exactly a joyful haven of rest and relaxation. Indeed, most would agree that they have stressful jobs and workplaces that don't do enough to promote employee wellness.


  However, progressive organizations around the world are beginning to understand the importance of employee wellbeing. They now know that improving workplace wellness isn't just a nice thing to do for employees—it helps the company bottom line in numerous ways, such as increased job satisfaction, productivity and morale, in addition to reducing turnover, absenteeism and presenteeism (coming to work sick)*.


  The American Psychological Association cites five components of a psychologically healthy workplace. I’ve laid them out below, along with practical ways to implement them.


  1. Employee Involvement


  All too often, workers feel controlled and powerless at their jobs, resulting in apathy and a lack of commitment to their organization. The superior alternative for employers is to make employees feel more involved in decision making and autonomous while performing their jobs.


  Make It Better: Help workers feel competent and at least partially in charge of their own work responsibilities. This can be done through self-managed work teams, employee taskforces or monthly suggestion meetings.


  Many American workers would agree that their work-life balance is tipping too far toward the office. If employees are forced to neglect responsibilities at home, the quality of their professional work will inevitably suffer.

  很多美国人认为很多时候,很多时候,工作不止局限于在办公室,而是融入了自己的生活。 如果员工的工作业绩只局限与办公地点所完成的工作,办公室以外的业绩被忽视掉,那么员工的工作质量会不可避免的大打折扣。

  Make It Better: Employers have ample opportunities to reach out to overburdened employees. Common ways to do so are through flextime, childcare, eldercare and financial management assistance.


  3. Employee Growth and Development


  Nobody wants to be in a dead-end job. An employer who encourages worker growth and development will make sure that each worker gains new knowledge, skills and abilities. This is a wise investment that ensures the growth and retention of top-notch employees.


  Make It Better: Workers should know that they have upward mobility within their organizations. Employers can ensure this through continuing education courses, tuition reimbursement and leadership development programs.


  American healthcare is notorious for being almost entirely treatment-oriented, rather than focused on preventing illness in the first place. Employers can avoid making the same mistake by providing a healthy workplace environment and teaching employees the essentials of fitness, nutrition and stress management. In addition to the obvious perks for workers, promoting health and safety will benefit the employer as well; healthy employees are less likely to miss work and have lower insurance costs.


  Make It Better: Workers ought to be able to rely on their employer to provide the information and resources necessary to engage in healthy lifestyle choices. Programs that promote weight loss, smoking cessation and stress management can be extremely helpful. Ideally, employers should also provide on-site or nearby access to a fitness facility.


  5. Employee Recognition

  5. 欣赏员工的工作

  Few things adversely affect employee morale like a lack of appreciation. By recognizing outstanding employee contributions, employers send the message that good work does not go unnoticed.


  Make It Better: The obvious way to commend an employee is with a monetary bonus. However, more cost-effective methods can be used as well, such as awards and recognition ceremonies.


本文关键字: 工作建议
