
2013-08-02 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Despite its reputation for harboring some of the world's worst smog, Beijing is offering up its skies to host China's first-ever vertical marathon.


  At 330 meters (1,082 feet) tall, the 82-floor China World Trade Center Tower 3 is a landmark office, hotel and retail behemoth jutting out of the heart of Beijing's Central Business District. On August 3, the building will take on a new identity, transforming itself into the venue for a heart-pounding foot race up its 2041 stairs.


  Elite vertical marathon runners have been invited from 10 countries and will compete for cash prizes. The race is also open to amateurs, with the winner earning round-trip tickets from Beijing to London and three nights stay at Shangri-La's soon-to open hotel atop the Shard in London, now the tallest building in Western Europe.


  Runners will start racing from the skyscraper's lobby, climbing all the way up to the rooftop where depending on air quality they might enjoy a 360-degree view of the city.


  The smog that in January filled Beijing's skies, sparking many to refer to the period as the 'Airpocolypse,' has returned in recent months. The city recorded 18 smoggy days in June, a record high over the last 50 years, the China Meteorological Bureau revealed earlier this month.


  Northern China's smog fed by in part by the burning of coal for heat and electricity has been shown to shorten average life expectancy by more than five years, according to a recent study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and three other universities.

  麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)及其他三所高校近期研究显示,受雾霾天气的影响,中国北方人的平均预期寿命会减少五年多。使用煤炭供暖和发电在一定程度上造成了雾霾天气。

  The Beijing vertical marathon is a part of a skyscraper racing circuit, the International Skyrunning Federation, that emerged in 2009 and has so far taken place in locations relatively free of particulate matter: New York's Empire State Building, the Basel Messeturm in Switherland, Taipei 101 in Taiwan, and other landmark skyscrapers across the world.

  北京垂直马拉松是国际竞速联盟(International Skyrunning Federation,简称“ISF”)举办的高楼竞跑世界巡回赛的其中一站。该赛事从2009年开始举办,此前一直都在相对无污染的地方举办,比如纽约的帝国大厦、瑞士的巴塞尔展览中心大厦(Basel Messeturm)、台北的101大楼以及分布世界各地的其他地标性摩天高楼。

  Race organizers have their concerns about holding an event in a city that is marked by thick pewter air.


  'I wish for the sky to be clear on race day, so when the runners reach the top they are not disappointed,' said David Shin, International Skyrunning Federation representative and the race director.

  ISF 的代表及此次比赛的总监戴维·辛恩(David Shin)说:“我希望比赛当天的天空很晴朗,这样一来选手在登上顶楼时就不会觉得失望。”

  The organization has taken extra precautions, hiring a local hospital to staff the event and ensure racer safety, Mr. Shin said.


  In the run-up to the event, ISF is offering professional training for the runners and is capping race entrants at 1,000 out of safety concerns, Mr. Shin said .

  他还说, ISG会在比赛前夕为选手提供专业训练,并且出于安全考虑将参赛选手的名额上限定为1,000人。

  The fastest runner in the Taipei 101 race this year climbed to the top of 0.24-mile tower in a time of 10 minutes 52 seconds , organizers said, noting that such a time is incredible for the extreme sport.


  Racers will hope to surpass those times with a shorter distance of a fifth of a mile in Beijing ─ and they'll hope to catch a view of the city when they get to the top.


  'The reason lots of people registered is that they want to see the view,' Mr.Shin said. 'So fingers crossed.'


本文关键字: 马拉松比赛
