
2013-08-15 00:00:00来源:新东方网


  Apple could launch new versions of its iPad and iPad mini by the end of this year as it goes head-to-head with Google's Nexus 7
  Asian sources claim the screens will come from Samsung, LG and Sharp
  The move may be aimed at fending off increasing competition from Google
  Amazon is also believed to be developing a new version of its Kindle Fire
  Apple is set to launch a new iPad mini with a high resolution screen before the end of the year along with a new version of its full sized iPad, it has been claimed.
  The move is aimed at fending off increasing competition from Google, which recently revealed its new Nexus 7 tablet, which has a high resolution screen.
  Amazon is also believed to be developing a new version of its Kindle Fire tablet with a high definition screen.
  The current iPad mini has a lower resolution screen that Apple’s full sized iPad, which boasts a ‘retina’ display.
  Apple's current iPad Mini has a 7.9-inch 1024x768 resolution screen - this gives the tablet's screen 163 pixels per inch (PPI).
  By comparison, Google's new Nexus 7 has a PPI of 216 and Apple's 9.7-inch iPad with Retina Display has 264 PPI.
  The lower resolution screens on the current iPad Mini are supplied by LG and Taiwan's Au Optronics.
  Apple is set to launch a new iPad mini with a high resolution screen before the end of the year along with a new version of its current full sized iPad. The move is aimed at fending off increasing competition from Google
  For its upcoming device, component manufacturers in Asia have reportedly been told Apple is planning to use screens from Samsung, LG and Sharp.
  Apple is thought to be particularly interested in Samsung's super-thin glass technology.
  According to Bloomberg, the next version of the iPad will be also adapted to look more like the current iPad Mini, with rounded corners and thinner sides, one source told the news organisation.
  The new iPad and iPad Mini is not, however, expected to be unveiled at the firm‘s much rumoured September 10th event in San Francisco where is it believed two new iPhones - a top of the range 5S and a lower cost 5C with a plastic shell, will be launched along with a new version of Apple’s iOS software.
  The move comes as Apple faces increased competition in the tablet market.
  Apple still sells more tablets than any other manufacturer, although its overall market share has dropped and Google's Android-based devices now dominate, with 62.6 per cent share of the market in the second quarter of 2013, compared to just 38 per cent of the market in the same period last year, new data from International Data Corporation shows.
  However, Apple still calls the shots, even though its market share declined rapidly to 32.5 per cent from 60.3 per cent, according to IDC.
  Experts say the release of a new iPad could boost the tablet market as a whole.
  ‘A new iPad launch always piques consumer interest in the tablet category and traditionally has helped both Apple and its competitors, said Tom Mainelli, a research director at the International Data Corporation.
  ‘With no new iPads, the market slowed for many vendors, and that’s likely to continue into the third quarter. However, by the fourth quarter we expect new products from Apple, Amazon and others to drive impressive growth in the market.’

  据英国《每日邮报》8月13日报道,苹果公司将有望于年底前推出其新一代iPad及iPad mini平板电脑。此前也有媒体称,具体发布时间将是9月10日。
  与目前iPad mini所采用的屏幕不同,新一代的iPad mini将采用分辨率更高的屏幕。并且,据苹果公司位于亚洲的零部件制造商透露,新版产品将采用三星、LG或夏普公司的屏幕。另外,新版全尺寸iPad将与iPad mini一样,拥有圆角和更纤薄的机身。
  苹果公司的这一举动被认为是向谷歌公司的正面宣战。7月24日,谷歌公司发布了第二代Nexus 7平板电脑。该产品搭载Tegra3四核处理器及安卓4.1系统,像素密度(PPI)达到216。

本文关键字: 谷歌
