双语:手机市场硝烟弥漫 苹果地位不保

2013-08-21 00:00:00来源:可可英语

手机市场硝烟弥漫 苹果地位不保

  Being in fourth place in the world’s hottest technology market turns out not to be a winning proposition. But is third much better? And might even second place become a less comfortable spot to be in?


  Those are the inevitable questions prompted by the news this week that BlackBerry is ready to throw in the towel. As with all giant markets, it is tempting to think there is room for several players, some of them thriving on small market shares with niche strategies.


  But the competitiveness of technology ecosystems depends on their relative, not absolute, scale. Some 80 per cent of handsets shipped in the second quarter ran on Android, according to the latest figures from IDC. Even if many of those are low-end devices and incompatibility between them continues to make life hard for developers, the Android ecosystem is starting to exert a powerful pull.


  It doesn’t matter, for instance, that BlackBerry is still selling as many handsets as Apple did when it launched the App Store – a time when Apple was the focus of the entire mobile development world. Mindshare among consumers and developers is all. On that measure, BlackBerry lost a long time ago.

  比如说,黑莓现在手机销售量仍然和苹果(Apple)刚推出应用商店(App Store)时(当时苹果是整个移动开发世界关注的焦点)一样,但是这根本不重要。在消费者和开发者的意识中占据的“品牌影响力份额”才是一切。以这个标准衡量,黑莓早就输了。

  Like the cartoon Road Runner going off the edge of a cliff, the Canadian company has been spinning its legs without visible means of support for some time. Its subscriber base peaked less than a year ago, but its competitiveness had eroded long before that.


  With BlackBerry ready to fold, do things get any better for those who are left? Microsoft may draw some comfort from seeing off a rival, but Windows Phone still has less than 4 per cent of the market. Much as mobile operators would like to see an alternative to Android and Apple’s iOS, the success of a third mobile ecosystem is not ordained.

  黑莓打算翻牌认输了,那些剩下的竞争者日子会好过点么?少了一个对手,微软(Microsoft)可能会得到些许宽慰,但是Windows Phone的市场占有率仍然低于4%。尽管移动运营商也许很愿意看到在安卓和苹果(Apple)公司的iOS之外还有另一个选择,然而这第三个移动生态系统的成功是没有保障的。

  The more intriguing question, though, surrounds the iPhone. Apple’s market share has fallen to around 13 per cent. It has been at more or less this level before, in the down quarters before the launch of new iPhones. But in relative terms, Android has never looked stronger.


  On almost every measure that counts, the company that invented the touchscreen smartphone either already has been – or soon will be – consigned to the number two position. It happened in hardware sales first: having first overtaken Apple nearly two years ago, Samsung shipped more than twice as many handsets as its US rival in the most recent quarter, according to IDC.


  It is now happening in apps. As we reported two months ago, Apple is on the verge of giving up its lead in app downloads. The average Android customer may use fewer apps, but there are a lot more of them and that is starting to turn the heads of developers.


  The next significant bragging right that Apple is in danger of losing is its leading share of smartphone industry profits. Apple almost certainly still leads Samsung in this department. The profit margin on the iPhone comfortably exceeds its margin on other products. But unless the expected launch of a new, lower-priced iPhone can stop the rot, Apple will probably be overwhelmed in the profit stakes by the sheer volumes of its arch-rival, as growth shifts to more price sensitive markets.


  There is one important measure on which Apple still has an edge: the money that app developers and content producers earn on its mobile platform. That still makes the iOS a powerful draw for developers and guarantees Apple the all-important premium experiences that have kept buyers coming back for more when upgrade time comes around. If the revamped iOS7 interface is a hit with users and Apple continues to create a richer and more profitable environment for developers, then the core propositions on which the iPhone empire was built will remain in place.

  苹果还有一项重要的指标仍处于领先地位:应用开发者和内容供应商在其移动平台上的盈利。这一点令iOS对开发者仍然极具吸引力,并且是苹果至关重要的出色用户体验的保障,正是这种出色体验使得客户在苹果产品升级换代时再度掏钱购买。如果焕然一新的iOS 7界面能够一炮打响,而苹果继续为开发者建立一个功能更丰富、更易于盈利的环境,那么苹果赖以打造iPhone帝国的核心竞争力将依然存在。

  But volume matters. And when it comes to the numbers, Android’s momentum is now impossible to ignore.


  This has left Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, in a difficult position. If he can’t convince iOS developers that he will build a bigger marketplace for them, their attention will continue to drift to Android. But the lower-priced iPhone needed to expand the iOS universe will dilute overall profit margins and may even cannibalise sales of the high-end devices.

  这令苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)陷入棘手处境。如果他无法说服iOS开发者相信他将为他们打造一个更大的市场,他们的注意力将继续转向安卓。然而扩展iOS生态系统所需的低价iPhone会稀释整体利润率,甚至可能蚕食高端产品的销售。

  Logic suggests that Wall Street should get over its fixation on Apple’s slipping profit margin. Grabbing a bigger share of the overall profits is what matters now. A business model in transition, though, is guaranteed to unnerve investors. With activist investor Carl Icahn also now breathing down his neck, Mr Cook’s job is not about to get any easier.

  按照逻辑,华尔街应该克服对苹果不断下滑的利润率的迷恋。目前,重要的是争夺更大份额的总体利润。有维权投资者卡尔·伊卡恩(Carl Icahn)这样的人时刻盯着,库克的工作不会轻松。

本文关键字: iPhone
