双语:英国最大家庭 夫妇24年生16名子女

2013-09-19 19:29:00来源:沪江英语网

  Britain’s biggest family is about to get bigger, as mother Sue Radford is expecting her 17th child.


  The baker's wife is pregnantjust 11 months after giving birth to her son Casper and she and her husband Noel are expecting the latest addition to their family next April.


  The couple, from Morecambe, in Lancashire, don't know whether it will be a boy or a girl but say they are "absolutely thrilled" by the news.


  Their eldest, Chris, is 24, and is followed by Sophie, 19, Chloe, 18, Jack, 16, Daniel, 14, Luke, 12, Millie, 12, Katie, 10, James, nine, Ellie, eight, Aimee, seven, Josh, five, Max, four, Tillie, three, Oscar, two and Casper, 11 months.


  Mrs Radford wrote on Facebook after her 12-week scan: "We are so excited to announce Radford baby 17 will be joining this family in April."


  "As you can imagine, the children are so excited. Little Tilly said to me: 'Mummy you have a baby in your tummy'. It was so sweet."

  “你可以想象出孩子们有多兴奋,小蒂利还对我说:‘妈妈肚肚里有宝宝。’ 这真是太可爱了。”

  But she added: "I feel so sick. Whoever named it morning sickness was lying. Try morning, noon and night sickness." The couple, who own a bakery, live in a former children's home and use a minibus to get around.

  但她又写道:“我现在总是感到恶心。把这种现象称为早孕反应的人是个骗子,因为不仅是早上想吐,中午、晚上都一样恶心。” 这对夫妇开着一家烘焙店,住在儿童之家改造的房子里,靠一辆小型巴士四处出游。

  Mrs Radford first fell pregnant when she was 14 and she and her then boyfriend decided to keep the child as they had both been given up for adoption. The couple married four years later and second child Sophie soon arrived.


  Their youngest child, Casper, was born last October weighing 8b 8oz and the labour lasted just 16 minutes. Not long after his birth, Mrs Radford - who has on average had a baby every 17 months over the past 23 years – said that she wanted more children.


  The pair also became grandparents at the end of last year when Sophie gave birth to her daughter Daisy.


  A family friend said: "They are a lovely family and the children are so well behaved. They are obviously great parents."


  The family rose to fame in 2011 when they were featured on Channel 4's 15 Kids and Counting.

  2011年,美国第四频道《15 Kids and Counting》节目报道了这个家庭,他们便一举成名。

  Other large British broods include Derek and Debbie Simpson, from East Kilbride, who have 13 children, and the Hanns from Dundee, who have 12.


  The world's largest family is said to be from Baktwang, India, where father Ziona Chana, has 94 children by 39 different wives.



  The parents at the head of Britain's biggest family admitted to being 'utterly devastated' today after losing their 17th baby. Sue Radford went for her 12-week scan this morning only to find the child due in April had died.


  'It's with such sadness that we have to say our beautiful baby's heartbeat stopped two days ago, we are utterly devastated beyond words,' they said in a statement today.


本文关键字: 家庭 宝宝
