
2013-10-23 09:59:17来源:中国教育在线

  This post however, is for everyone that has ever created a presentation. Whether you're a student, the leader of a self-help group, or a corporate executive pulling in six figures, the second you open up Powerpoint, you become a designer whether you like it or not。

  本文是写给做过PPT的人的。 无论你是学生、领导,还是自助团体,或者是薪水达6位数的企业高管,不管你喜欢与否,从你打开Powerpoint的那一刻起,你就成为了一名设计师。

  Follow the ten tips below and see if you don't start getting comments about your awesome

  presentation design skills. Just watch out, if your co-workers notice you getting good at it they're likely to start asking for to help with theirs!


  1 Don't Use a Built-In Theme 不要用内置样式

  To illustrate this idea I opened up Powerpoint, grabbed an actual default theme at random

  and threw some type on it. This workflow is nearly identical to that of countless presentation designers and the result is a typical presentation slide that I've seen countless times throughout college and my career。为了说明这一点,我打开Powerpoint,随手抓起一个实际的缺省样式然后随便在上面写点文字。这个流程跟无数PPT设计师的工作流程几乎完全一致,其结果就是我读书和工作时看过无数遍的一个典型的幻灯片。

  Here's a design secret, this slide sucks; as do many of the default themes you'll find in Powerpoint. Granted, they've definitely improved the offering in recent years, but you shouldn't view these as the go-to method but rather a last resort if you need to create a presentation in record time。这就是一个设计秘密,这个片子太恶心了; 跟你在Powerpoint里面发现的许多缺省样式一样的恶心。诚然,近些年来他们的货色已经有了明显的改善,但是你不该把这些视为核心手段,只能在时间紧迫万不得已时才用它们。

  The point here is that something custom makes a much stronger statement. Your colleagues know and use the templates in Powerpoint and they'll recognize immediately that you didn't put any work into the aesthetics of the slides。你的同事了解也使用那些Powerpoint的模板,如果你不在幻灯片的美感上下点功夫,你的同事马上就能觉察出来。

  I know for non-designers leaving behind templates may seem a bit radical, but you can do it! Just be sure to read the other tips below before striking out on your own。我知道,让非设计人员抛开模板似乎有些激进,但是你可以的!只要你开始动手前把本文的其他技巧也读完。

  2 Use Quality Photography 使用有质量的照片

  Photography is one of the single best ways to make your presentation look awesome. It's also one of the single best ways to make it lame. The “business people on white background” look is nice, but it's overdone and tends to look a bit stock art-ish or flat out cliche。照片是独自就能令你的演示出彩的最佳手段之一。它同时也是孤身就能把你的演示搞砸的最佳手段之一。“白色背景下的商业人士”看起来不错,但有点夸张了,显得有点呆板老套。

  Further, just because a picture is on a white background doesn't mean it's a good photo. Stop using ugly or awkward photography just to have something to put on the slide. Remember that no photo is better than a bad photo。还有,在白色背景下光溜溜地放一张照片并不意味着它就是好照片。不要为了放照片而把难看和不合适的照片放上去。记住,没有照片好过糟糕照片。

  3 Solid Colors Rock 单色系带来震撼

  You don't always need a fancy photo or crazy custom background to make a presentation look professional. Using a strong palette of solid colors can make for an awesome presentation。你不必总是要靠花哨的照片或者疯狂的自定义背景来让PPT显得专业。用一个强大的单色系调色板就能做出精彩的演示。

  The slide above is a perfect example of using very plain design and little effort to create something that actually looks really nice. Whether you're a designer or not, you could make this right?上面的片子就是一个极佳的例子,使用朴实无华的设计,毫无费力就创造出一个看起来棒极了的东西。无论你是否设计师你都可以做出来,对吧?

  The key here is to be very cautious about your color choice. Something too bright bright and fun will blow the audience's eyes out. Also make sure to use plenty of contrast in your secondary color. A crash course in color theory will go a long way。这里的关键在于必须非常谨慎地选择你的颜色。颜色太亮太搞笑的话会影响观众的眼睛。同时在辅助色彩要注意大量运用对比。在色彩理论上个速成班对你大有裨益。

  4 Typography Speaks Volumes 字体也有力量

  Remember that typefaces can communicate a mood, a point in time, or any number of other factors. Instead of browsing your font list and looking for “something cool,” instead think about the

本文关键字: PPT 照片 演示
