You may not realize it, but while you're bumming it on the couch catching up on New Girl, your body is working hard to help you burn calories. How is that even possible? Your sweet, sweet metabolism. The cool part: You can speed it up to ensure it's torching the maximum number of cals. All you have to do is follow these 11 super-easy tips.
When You First Wake Up Eating breakfasts helps jumpstart your metabolism--especially if you do it within one hour of waking up. "Your metabolism went into rest mode over night, so your first meal of the day revs it up again," says Keri Gans, R.D.N., author of The Small Change Diet. To work the kick-start effect to the max, choose foods high in fiber and protein, like whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk and berries.
当你醒来 吃早餐帮有助于你快速启动你的新陈代谢—特别是如果你在清醒后一小时内吃早餐的话。《The Small Change Diet》的作者凯莉 甘斯说:“你的新陈代谢在夜间进入休息模式,而你一天中的第一顿饭则使它重新运转起来。”选择高纤维和高蛋白的食物能最快的启动新陈代谢,例如低脂牛奶、浆果配全麦谷物麦片。
At Work We hereby grant you permission to schmooze with your co-workers--as long as you don't do it over G-chat. "Moving more at every opportunity, even if it's just to get up to go to the bathroom, keeps your heart rate going and therefore boosts your metabolism," says Shirley Archer, an ACE-certified group fitness instructor. Try walking across the office to talk to co-workers rather than e-mailing them.
工作中 我们特此授予你和同事聊天的许可-只要你别用G-chat聊就行。ACE认证的健身教练雪莉·阿彻说:“尽量多动,即使只是起身去洗手间,也要保持较快的心率,从而提高你的新陈代谢。”试着别通过邮件和你的同事谈事情,而是走过去和他们讲。
When You're Buying Lunch Pick the right foods, and you'll stoke your metabolism. "Nothing beats a turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread with lettuce, tomato, and mustard and a piece of fruit on the side," says Gans. "The protein-carb combo will give you energy to get through your day without dragging."
买午饭时 选择正确的食物,将会加快你的新陈代谢。甘斯说:“没有比全麦面包夹生菜,西红柿,芥末酱的火鸡三明治配上一份水果更好的午餐了,这一蛋白质碳水的组合将提供你全天的能量。”
At the Water Cooler When it comes to water, colder is better. "Your body burns more calories in colder temperatures because it has to work harder to keep you warm--so by drinking cold water, you end up burning more than if you guzzled room-temp H20," says Lisa Gain, Ph.D., evolutionary biologist and founder of snack-girl.com. (Sadly, the same does not hold true for ice cream, which is too high-cal to get the effect. Womp!)
饮水机旁 当你喝水时,冷的比较好。化生物学家和snack-girl.com网站的创始人丽萨 甘博士说:“在较低的温度下,你的身体在会燃烧更多卡路里,因为它得更努力工作来使你的身体保持温暖—所以喝冷水时,你将比室温下燃烧更多热量。”
During Your Workout It's all too easy to get into a cardio routine and stay at the same pace for your entire workout--but don't! Intervals are your friend, says Barsanti. "Short, high-intensity exercise boosts your metabolism. So when you're on the treadmill or elliptical, sprint for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds, and repeat this pattern for 10 minutes." Pro tip: Make a playlist with fast and slow songs to help you vary your rhythm without even thinking about it.
运动中 进行一种有氧运动并且在整个锻炼过程中都保持匀速,这太容易了。但是,千万别这样!运动间的间隔是你的小伙伴,巴尔桑蒂说:“快速,高强度的运动会提高你的新陈代谢。”所以当你用跑步机和椭圆仪时,30秒冲刺,然后休息30秒,然后重复这个过程达10分钟。”专业小贴士:设置一个快、慢歌相间的歌曲播放列表可以有助于你用思考就可以改变节奏。
Post-Workout Good news for chocolate lovers! Drinking chocolate milk post-workout helps keep your metabolism going strong. "When you exercise, your body loses glucose," says Gans. "You need to restore it right away to keep your metabolism on track." Chocolate milk is ideal because it has the perfect combo of carbs and protein. Sweet!
训练后 对爱吃巧克力的人们是个好消息!在运动后,饮用巧克力奶有助于加快你的新陈代谢。甘斯说:“当你运动时,你的身体会流失葡萄糖。而你需要立马补充它们以保证你的新陈代谢正常工作。”巧克力奶是个理想的选择,因为它是完美的碳水和蛋白质的组合。真是棒极了!
At Dinner Some studies suggest that eating spicy foods may boost your metabolism--so top your meals with chili peppers and Tabasco. Bonus: Spices are naturally fat free, so there's no need to stress about calorie counts.
晚餐时 一些研究表明,食用辣的食物会提高你的新陈代谢—所以,给你的晚餐加上红辣椒和塔巴斯科辣酱油。这样做的好处是:辣椒不含脂肪,所以不需要考虑卡路里的摄入。
In the Evening Take a minute to relax, and your metabolism will thank you. Why? "When you get stressed, your body releases cortisol, and too much cortisol slows down your metabolism," says Archer. To prevent this, do whatever relaxes you most, like yoga, talking to a soothing friend, or meditating.
夜晚 花一分钟休息一下,你的新陈代谢会感谢你的,为什么呢? 阿彻说:“因为当你 感觉紧张时,你的身体会分泌皮质醇,而皮质醇过多会减慢你的新陈代谢。” 为了阻止这一过程,你要尽可能的多放松,做些像瑜伽,和节奏舒缓的朋友聊天,或者冥想之类的事儿。
At Bedtime Sleep is key to boosting your metabolism. "Your body needs it to fully restore and recover from the day and keep your muscle mass and hormones circulating properly," says Archer. Aim for seven to eight hours a night to keep your metabolism in tip-top shape.
睡前 睡眠是提高你新陈代谢的关键因素。阿彻说:“你身体需要通过睡眠来恢复你日间的消耗,保证你的肌肉量和激素循环正常。”因此,7-8小时的夜间睡眠可以保证你的新陈代谢达到最佳状态。
speed up加速;使加速
torch n. 火把,火炬,手电筒,启发之物;vt. 用火炬点燃;vi. 像火炬一样燃烧
jumpstart vt. 安装;引进
schmooze n. 闲谈,聊天,扯皮,搬弄是非;vi. 闲谈,拍马屁,扯关系
guzzle v. 狂饮,暴食;n. 狂饮;豪饮作乐
hormone n.激素,荷尔蒙
本文关键字: 提高你的新陈代谢
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时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
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时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻