
2013-11-13 14:35:56来源:网络

  As the death toll from Supertyphoon Haiyan climbs, the Filipino community in Hong Kong is racing to establish contact with family members and organize aid for communities that have been leveled by the strongest storm to make landfall in more than two decades.


  The Philippine Consulate on Monday began publishing on its website the names of people it described as survivors from Tacloban, a city of 220,000 in the central Philippines that was hit particularly hard. As of late afternoon, 173 names were on the list. Meanwhile, aid groups, including Oxfam and the Red Cross in Hong Kong, have begun to collect donations for the storm victims.

  菲律宾领事馆周一开始在其网站上公布菲律宾中部塔克洛班的幸存者名单,这座有22万人口的城市受灾情况尤为严重。截至周一晚间,有173人的名字出现在这份名单上。与此同时,包括位于香港的乐施会(Oxfam)和红十字会(Red Cross)在内的救援组织已开始为风暴受灾者筹集捐款。

  The deadly typhoon is likely to complicate discussions between the governments of Hong Kong and the Philippines over a hostage crisis three years ago in Manila. Hong Kong has demanded an apology and compensation from the Philippines for the 2010 debacle, which left eight Hong Kong tourists dead, and has threatened to impose economic sanctions unless progress is made on the talks within a month.


  Hong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, who expressed his condolences to victims of the typhoon over the weekend, said the Philippines has not asked for an extension of the deadline.


  The official death toll from Haiyan stands at 255, but is expected to climb sharply given the devastation wrought by its powerful winds and heavy rains, which tore through a large area of the central Philippines.


  Mylene Amba, who works as a domestic helper in Hong Kong, plans to fly back to the Philippines on Tuesday to find her family in Tacloban. She heard from a relative that her husband and four children were safe but doesn't know the whereabouts of her mother, father or 11 siblings.

  在香港做家庭帮佣工作的安巴(Mylene Amba)计划于周二飞回菲律宾,寻找她在塔克洛班的家人。她从一个亲戚那听说她的丈夫和四个孩子都安然无恙,但并不知道父母以及11位兄弟姐妹的情况。

  'I don't know what to expect, but I can't stay here,' said Ms. Amba, 28.


  The majority of the city's nearly 161,000 Filipinos-accounting for more than 2% of Hong Kong's population of 7.15 million-work as domestic helpers.


  With phone lines down in parts of typhoon-ravaged Philippines, many Filipinos are gathering at churches and stores to obtain information.


  At St. Joseph's Church in Hong Kong's Central area, more than 50 Filipino parishioners prayed for storm victims during a midday service. The parishioners were told to consider donating canned food because financial institutions in typhoon-hit areas may have been destroyed.

  在位于香港中环的 若瑟堂(St. Joseph's Church),逾50名菲律宾教徒在中午弥撒时为风暴受灾者祈祷。有人呼吁他们捐献罐头食品,因为受台风袭击地区的金融机构可能已遭毁坏。

  James McAuley, a priest at the church, where 95% of parishioners are Filipino, said the St. Joseph's held a separate relief effort last month to help compatriots in the central Philippines who survived an earthquake on Oct. 15 that killed more than 200 people.

  该教堂95%教徒都是菲律宾人,教堂的神父麦考利(James McAuley)说, 若瑟堂上月曾为菲律宾中部在10月15日地震(死亡人数超过200人)中幸存下来的同胞举行过赈灾活动。

  'People are very sad right now,' Rev. McAuley said. 'It's hard to tell how many are affected.'


  The Philippines Consulate held meetings through the weekend to coordinate aid for typhoon victims, and it is working to facilitate communication between Filipino residents of Hong Kong and their family members in the affected areas.


  Organizations including the Philippine National Disaster Reduction and Management Center and the country's Department of Social Welfare and Development are accepting cash donations, according to the consulate.

  据菲律宾领事馆称,包括菲律宾国家减灾风险管理委员会(Philippine National Disaster Reduction and Management Center)和该国社会福利和发展部门(Department of Social Welfare and Development)在内的机构正在接受现金捐款。

本文关键字: 菲律宾人 海燕 赈灾
