美国女子开车时晒心情 下一秒车祸身亡

2014-05-05 10:16:32来源:沪江网



  A 32-year-old North Carolina woman is dead after slamming her car head-on into a truck while posting selfies and a Facebook update about how happy she was while listening to a Pharrell song.

  Courtney Sanford, of High Point, crossed the center median of a busy road Thursday morning just after making the post, hit a recycling truck and died, police said. Further inspection of her phone revealed pictures posted online only minutes earlier.

  The last words Sanford shared with her friends? ‘The happy song makes me HAPPY.’

  Authorities said the post, visible only to her friends, was made at 8.33 a.m., the first 911 call received about the crash was one minute later.

  ‘In a matter of seconds, a life was over just so she could notify some friends that she was happy,’ a police spokesperson told WGHB.

  Footage from the scene showed Sanford’s car had careened off the road into a ditch near some trees. The recycling truck was only feet away, also in the grass.

  Sanford’s car caught on fire after running off the road. The truck hit a tree.

  Authorities believe she was traveling at about 45 mph at the time of the accident. Alcohol and drugs have been ruled out as a cause, but police are still running a toxicology report to confirm, sources told WFMY.

  She died instantly, cops said. The truck driver was unharmed.

  Investigators also discovered a series of selfies posted by the woman while she was driving, police said.



  据报道,当天8点33分左右,考特尼安 桑福德(Courtney Ann Sanford)发了一条动态,说自己听歌听得很开心。哪知几乎同时她的车子就突然转弯撞上了一辆迎面驶来的大卡车。



本文关键字: 开车时晒心情 车祸身亡
