Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "VACATION,LONG OR SHORT?" .In some universities, there are three short vacations each school year, while in other two longer vacations separate the two semesters. There are people who favor the short vacation and also people preferring the long one.
Explain your viewpoint in no less than 100 words.
该作文题目属于情景作文类题型。 该类作文要求考生根据作文题目中所规定的情景提纲应用恰当的文体写出所要求的文章。考生应该先根据题目中所给出的情景确定文章的中心思想或者主题,然后围绕确定的主题进行讨论,利用论据进行论证,发表自己的看法。简单的说,就是一个“立论”和“论证”的过程。该类作文题比较平凡,只要考生能够总结出一套自己写议论文的模版,在考场场不论碰到任何题目都能应对自如。
Some people favor long vacations because they can have enough time to do things that cannot be finished within a short period. During a long vacation, they may make a complicated experiment, carry out an involved investigation or go to a faraway place for some necessary field work. Taking a full time job to earn money for one or two months is another benefit the long vacation provides And sometimes a good academic thesis with a considerable length needs a long vacation.
Those who prefer short vacations also have understandable reasons. For two or three weeks' rest is adequate for students to refresh themselves without forgetting the lessons that are to be continued next semester. Short vacations also mean to rest three times a school year and short semesters. To study in this way is easier than to study for a long exhausting time with many courses and lessons crammed together.
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 3 ¥1
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 19 ¥49
课时 : 2 ¥29
课时 : 5 ¥89
课时 : 20 ¥89
课时 : 6 ¥79
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 3:54 主讲 : 金格妃
时长 : 41:28 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 36:53 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 17:47 主讲 : 魏大伟
时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
来源 : 网络 2015-07-18 15:27:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-18 15:26:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-18 15:25:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-17 15:25:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-17 15:24:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-17 15:23:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-16 15:23:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-16 15:22:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-16 15:21:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试
来源 : 网络 2015-07-15 15:21:00 关键字 : 公共英语4,PETS4,公共英语考试