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The Fed
Explains the Central Bank
When you’re building something
important, you need a good structure. What will make it last? How’s it supposed
to function? And what will make it strong? That’s what the U.S. Congress was
thinking about when they decided to build the Federal Reserve System. They
needed to build something that would strengthen America’s economy and its
banking system so America could thrive.
In 1907, the nation went through
a severe financial panic. So the U.S. president and Congress decided they
needed a system that would help the economy run smoothly. A small group of
nationally known politicians and financiers gathered at Jekyll Island off the
coast of Georgia. Here, they constructed the outline that became the Aldrich
Plan for development of the Federal Reserve System. This meeting was held in
1910, and the charter for the Federal Reserve was signed by President Woodrow
Wilson in 1913.
The plan envisioned a central
bank that has government oversight yet works independently. This means it’s a
central bank that can help keep the economy healthy without pressure from
short-term political interests.
But the Fed alone doesn’t have
all the tools to keep the economy growing at a steady pace. The job is not one
for a single organization and there’s a difference between “monetary policy,”
the Fed’s province that influences the economy by changing the supply and
demand of money, and “fiscal policy,” the province of Congress, which uses tax
and spending changes to affect the economy.
So what does this mean to you?
Well, the Fed is important because it keeps America’s monetary system stable
and growing with low inflation, and that allows people and businesses to make
better buying and spending decisions, which fosters further growth, which helps
keep the economy going in the right direction. But if the economy isn’t healthy
and money is tight, people may be afraid to spend and the economy won’t grow.
That’s hard on everybody.
Today’s Federal Reserve System is
made up of the Board of Governors based in Washington, DC, and 12 regional
Federal Reserve Banks spread across the country. Every six weeks or so, members
of these two groups meet—the Board of Governors, including the chairman and the
presidents of the regional Reserve Banks. At this meeting, they discuss and
determine monetary policy direction. This meeting is called the Federal Open
Market Committee, or FOMC.
The Federal Reserve has three
important jobs. We call these functions the “three legs of the Federal Reserve
stool.” It sets monetary policy through decisions that affect the flow of money
and credit in our economy, it contributes to the safety and soundness of our
nation’s financial system by supervising and regulating banks, and it serves as
a bank for depository institutions and the federal government, helping the
payment system work efficiently. In this capacity, the Federal Reserve System
serves as the lender of last resort, a place where banks can turn when they can’t
obtain credit elsewhere and their inability to obtain credit could put the
nation’s economy at risk. In carrying out these three functions, the Fed also
helps to contain risk that may arise in financial markets. Ultimately, it
carries out its dual mandate given by Congress in 1977—that is, to keep prices
stable and promote full or maximum employment.
Americans have always been
reluctant to give too much financial power away. That’s smart, but we still
need somebody to foster conditions for a healthy economy. Since its founding in
1913, the Federal Reserve System has done just that, evolving to meet the needs
of our changing financial system and growing economy. For more information
about the structure and function of the Federal Reserve Bank, check out our
website at www.frbatlanta.org.
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
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课时 : 2 ¥9.9
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时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
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