NB: This is not a word-for-word
Feifei: Welcome to another
episode of 6 Minute English with me, Feifei.
Neil: And me, Neil.
Feifei: We’re talking about
pay and what people earn today and Neil, have you brought a salary fact to get
us started?
Neil: Yes, I have! The
United Nations International Labour Organisation or the ILO has been looking at
earnings around the world, and they’ve worked out the average person’s monthly
salary. So, how much do you think it is?
Feifei: How much does the
average person earn? What, in dollars?
Neil: Yep, that’s right. US dollars.
Per month.
Feifei: Hmm…I’d say, about
$5,000 a month.
Neil: $5,000 a month, are you sure?
Feifei: Yes, am I right?
Neil: Well, no, you’re
absolutely wrong, I’m pleased to say. According to the ILO, the average worker
earns $1,480 a month.
Feifei: Wow, so I was a bit
generous there…
Neil: Yes, very out of character!
Feifei: Hmmm, that is a lot
less than I thought…there’ll be a lot of people asking for pay rises then?
Neil: I suppose there will
be! And are you going to be one of them?
Feifei: Oh, you know me, Neil…
Neil: Yes I do. Do you feel a
role-play coming on?
Feifei: Do you know what – I
think I do!
Neil: Can I be the boss?
Feifei: No, I think it’s
actually my turn to be the boss.
Neil: Every time, every
time…you are the boss?
Feifei: I am the boss! I don’t
remember being the boss. Anyway, let’s just get on with the role-play: I’m the
boss and you’re going to ask me for a pay rise. Ready?
Neil: Hi, are you free for a quick
Feifei: Sure, what can I do
for you?
Neil: OK. Well, it’s a bit difficult,
but I think I should have a pay rise.
Feifei: OK. And why do you
feel like that?
Neil: Well, I’ve taken on a
lot more responsibility recently and I really believe that I’ve grown in this
job. And my last project was very successful and I just think I should be
Feifei: OK, and, well, what
kind of rise are you thinking of?
Neil: I think that 5% isn’t
too much to ask.
Feifei: 5%... Hmm…Well, let me
think about it and get back to you.
Neil: OK, thank you.
Feifei: Ooooh, you’re so
persuasive, Neil!
Neil: That’s all in the
technique, Feifei.
Feifei: Let’s ask Business
Betty to tell us more. Are you there, Betty?
Neil: It’s Business Betty!
Feifei: It’s Business Betty!
Here she is.
Neil: Ah, Betty, wonderful
to see you. Looking fantastic again as ever, you’ve been on holiday?
BB: Thank you Neil. Yeah, lovely,
Costa Brava, very nice.
Neil: Well, with a
destination like that, I am sure that you earn a lot more than $1,480 a month,
don’t you?
BB: Neil, Neil, Neil, you should
really know that in British culture, it’s terribly impolite to ask people how
much they earn.
Neil: Sorry, Betty, yes,
you’re quite right. I shouldn’t ask that. But can I ask you to tell us how to
ask for a pay rise?
BB: You most certainly can, Neil.
There are a few things to remember when you’re asking for a pay rise. First,
make sure it’s a good time to ask.
Neil: Hi, are you free for a quick
BB: Next, use verbs like ‘think’,
‘feel’ and ‘believe’. And use adverbs like ‘really’ for added emphasis.
Neil: I think I should have a pay
rise. I really believe that I’ve grown in the job.
BB: That’s great, Neil. Now, give
reasons why you should get a pay rise:
Neil: I’ve taken on a lot
more responsibility lately. My last project was very successful.
BB: And be clear about what you want.
Neil: Well, I think that 5% isn’t too
much to ask.
BB: And always, always be polite.
Neil: OK, thank you, please.
Thank you, please, please, thank you.
BB: Enough. So, to sum up: if you’re
asking for a pay rise, make sure it’s a good time, use phrases like ‘I really
think’, give your reasons, say what you want and be polite! Anything else I can
do for you?
Neil: No. Betty, you’ve done more than
enough. Thank you so much, Betty.
BB: Then I’ll be on my way. Goodbye!
Neil/FF: Bye!
Neil: Oh, she is full of good advice, isn’t she?
Feifei: Yes, she is. Let’s do the role-play again shall we?
Neil: Let’s do it.
Neil: Hi, are you free for a
quick chat?
Feifei: Sure, what can I do
for you?
Neil: OK. Well, it’s a bit difficult,
but I think I should have a pay rise.
Feifei: OK. And why do you
feel like that?
Neil: Well, I’ve taken on a lot more
responsibility recently and I really believe that I’ve grown in the job. My
last project was very successful and I just think I should be rewarded.
Feifei: OK. Well, what kind of
rise are you thinking of?
Neil: Well, I’d think that
5% isn’t too much to ask.
Feifei: 5%... Hmm…Well, I’ll
think about it and get back to you.
Neil: OK, thank you.
Neil: Only 5%, that’s not
much to ask, is it? Maybe I should have gone for 10%?
Feifei: Neil, we’ve finished
the role-play.
Neil: 20. Final offer.
Feifei: It’s done. No, I
can’t give you a pay rise Neil, I am not your boss really. I’ll buy you a drink
after work instead. Is that OK?
Neil: Yeah, Champagne?
Feifei: No, a drink – a pint
of beer. That brings us to the end of today’s programme, Neil?
Neil: Yes, that’s right. Good luck to
you if you’re asking for a pay rise anytime soon and join us again for some more
6 Minute English.
Neil/FF: Bye!
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时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
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时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
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时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
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