Read the instructions and task carefully in the time before the first listening. Think about what you are going to hear, and underline key words in the instructions and questions. 放听力之前仔细读题,寻找题目和选项中的关键词。
Remember that spelling must be correct in Part 1 (British or American spelling). 不要出现拼写错误。
Use the second listening to check, confirm or alter your answers from the first listening (remember that changing an answer in Part 2 may affect other answers in the same task). 播放第二遍听力的时候进行检查。
Remember that the five answers in each task should be different in Part 2. 五个选项的答案应该是不同的。
Concentrate on an in-depth understanding of what is said in Parts 2 and 3.
Answer all the questions – you won't lose marks for wrong answers, and there's a chance that you'll guess correctly. 答错不扣分,所以不要空题,也许会猜对。
Carefully copy your answers in pencil onto the answer sheet during the 10 minutes at the end of the test. 正确填写答案。
Remember to pay attention to anything that appears after the gap in Part 1 questions.
Don't leave any answers blank. 别留白。
Don't spend too long thinking about a question: leave it until the second listening.不要在一道题上花太多时间,第二遍的时候再听。
Don't, while completing Part 1, repeat or paraphrase words that are already in the question, make sure you only write the necessary words. 题目中已出现的词不要在重复。
Don't forget that an option in Part 3 that is true according to what is said may not, in fact, answer the question that has been asked.Part 3里的词有些即使是正确的,但也不一定是题目的答案,要有针对性的回答问题。
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 3 ¥1
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 19 ¥49
课时 : 2 ¥29
课时 : 5 ¥89
课时 : 20 ¥89
课时 : 6 ¥79
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 3:54 主讲 : 金格妃
时长 : 41:28 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 36:53 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 17:47 主讲 : 魏大伟
时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
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