
2017-04-17 09:53:54来源:网络

  Formal and Business Goodbyes in English


  7. Goodbye

  As strange as it seems, the word “goodbye” is rarely used to say goodbye. It sounds very formal and is typically only used if you are never going to see the person again. “Bye” is usually more appropriate, even in business situations.


  8. Have a nice day or Have a good...

  These are pleasant, polite ways to say goodbye to someone you don’t know very well. You might say this to a co-worker, cashier or casual acquaintance. You can use almost any noun after “good” depending on the situation. For example, you might say “have a good vacation” if you’re saying goodbye to someone before he or she leaves for a holiday; or “have a good weekend” when saying goodbye to a colleague on Friday afternoon.

  对于不是很熟的人,这样说听起来就很有礼貌,比如同事、收银员或一般的熟人。根据场合,good后面可以加任何名词。如果知道对方就要去度假,可以和他说“have a good vacation”,周五下班前也可以和同事说“have a good weekend”

  9. I look forward to our next meeting

  This very formal expression is appropriate if you would like to continue doing business with someone. It lets the person know that although you’re saying goodbye now, you want to keep in contact with him or her.


  10. Until...

  This expression is a little less common, but you might use it if you know the next time you’re going to see the person. For example, if you’re going to see the person again next week you could say “until next week”.

  不太常用的一种说法,如果知道下次见面时间可以这样说。比如和下周又要见面的朋友可以说“until next week”.

  11. Take care

  Take care can be used in professional situations, as well as more casual ones. It’s a warm, genuine-sounding expression that is usually received well by others. Keep in mind that you wouldn’t typically use this expression with someone you see every day. If you say “take care” as you say goodbye to someone, it usually means you’re not going to see him or her for at least a week or more.

  很暖的告别方式,可以传达心意。但这句一般不会用于每天见面的人之间。如果以“take care”和对方作别,往往意味你们有一段时间见不到彼此了。

  12. It was nice to see you again or It was nice seeing you

  When you greet someone you often say “it’s nice to see you”, so when you say goodbye you can say “it was nice to see you again”. You can use this expression to say goodbye to someone you already know. Or if this was the first time you met the person, you can say “it was nice meeting you”.

  和某人打招呼时你可以说“it’s nice to see you”,所以告别时可以说“it was nice to see you again”。但如果你与对方是第一次见,那就要说“it was nice meeting you”。

  13. Good night

  This formal way of saying good bye can only be used late in the evening when people are heading home for the night. Keep in mind that “good morning”, “good afternoon” and “good evening” are greeting expressions, and only “good night” can be used to say goodbye.

  一般用在晚上,或者是将要回家睡觉时,要区分:“good morning”, “good afternoon” 和 “good evening”是打招呼用语,而“good evening”是用来说再见。

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