
2019-02-19 17:23:21来源:网络

  今天就是一年一度的元宵节了,元宵佳节最少不了猜灯谜,吃汤圆,当然也少不了互送祝福,今天小编就给大家整理了元宵节的习俗(双语版),一起来看看吧!古代有“七祭”, 这是其中的两种。 祭祀的方法是, 把杨树枝插在门户上方, 在盛有豆粥的碗里插上一双筷子,或者直接将酒肉放在门前。 Festival doors, Festival households Ancient "Seven Festival", which is one of the two. Ritual is to the top of the poplar twig inserted in the portal, in a bowl filled with Beans Congee plug in a pair of chopsticks, or directly on the front of the wine and meat.

  元宵节的习俗--猜灯谜 “猜灯谜”又叫“打灯谜",是元宵节后增的一项活动, 灯谜最早是由谜语发 展而来的,起源于春秋战国时期。它是一种富有讥谏、规戒、诙谐、笑谑的文艺 游戏。谜语悬之于灯,供人猜射,开始于南宋。《武林旧事·灯品》记载:"以 绢灯剪写诗词,时寓讥笑,及画人物,藏头隐语,及旧京诨语,戏弄行人。"元 宵佳节,帝城不夜,春宵赏灯之会,百姓杂陈,诗谜书于灯,映于烛,列于通衢, 任人猜度,所以称为"灯谜"。如今每逢元宵节,各个地方都打出灯谜,希望今年 能喜气洋洋的,平平安安的。因为谜语能启迪智慧又饶有兴趣,所以流传过程中 深受社会各阶层的欢迎。 唐宋时灯市上开始出现各式杂耍技艺。 明清两代的灯市上除有灯谜与百戏歌 舞之外,又增设了戏曲表演的内容。 历代人们除游灯市外,又有迎紫姑祭厕神、过桥摸钉走百病等习俗,有击太 平鼓、秧歌、高跷、舞龙、舞狮等游戏。 传统社会的元宵节是城乡重视的民俗大节,在城市元宵喧闹尤为热烈,它体 现了中国民众特有的狂欢精神。传统元宵所承载的节俗功能已被日常生活消解, 人们逐渐失去了共同的精神兴趣,复杂的节俗已经简化为“吃元宵”的食俗。 Guess riddles "Guess riddles," also known as "playing riddles" is an activity and then increased during the Lantern Festival, riddles, was first evolved by the riddle, and originated in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is a rich ridicule remonstrance , Regulatory warning, humorous, Xiao Xue literary games. Riddle hanging on the lamp, for people to guess fire started in the Southern Song Dynasty. "Old things light goods, martial arts," reads: "to cut silk lamps to write poetry, when the blending ridiculed, And painting figures, Tibetan head argot, and the old Beijing jest language, teasing pedestrians. "Lantern Festival, Royal City, not night, lanterns Spring Night's will, the people have grown complex, poetry mystery books on the lights, Ying Yu candle, out in the thoroughfare, Anyone guessing, so called "riddles." Now every Lantern Festival, playing riddles in various places, hope this can be joyous, and safely for. Because it can inspire the wisdom of another riddle Interest, so popular during the

  deeply welcomed by all sectors of society. Tang and Song Dynasties when the lights began to appear all kinds of juggling skills ShangXi. Ming and Qing dynasties of lights Shangyuan addition to riddles, singing and dancing outside the theater with the 100, but also added the contents of opera performances. In addition to ancient people to travel outside the city lights, another Ying Zi Gu Ji toilet God, touching the bridge to go riddled with nails and other practices, there is hit Taiping drums, Yangko, stilts, dragon dance, lion dance, games. The Lantern Festival is a traditional society, urban and rural folk great importance Festival Lantern Festival in the city noise particularly warm, it reflects the unique carnival spirit of the Chinese people. Traditional Lantern Festival hosted by Feature has been everyday folk digestion, people gradually lose the spirit of common interest, the complex's Day customs have been reduced to "eating Lantern" and Sisu.

本文关键字: 元宵节的习俗



