
2021-04-13 07:14:10来源:网络




  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. [C] 小汽车 (美语中也用 automobile)

  He goes to school by car.

  n. 车厢 (美语中也用carriage)

  Cafe cars are operated on trains by the Railways. (列车上有吸烟休息室的餐车由铁道部门经营。)

  n. 其他车辆

  I go to work by street car every day. (有轨电车)

  车身--- body

  轮胎--- tire(British English: tyre)

  前灯--- headlight

  方向灯--- turn signal

  保险杠--- bumper

  引擎盖--- hood

  方向盘--- steering wheel

  后视镜--- rearview mirror

  行李箱--- trunk

  挡风玻璃--- windshield

  发动机;引擎 --- engine

  变速箱--- transmission

  离合器 --- clutch

  仪表盘 --- dash board

  跑车--- coupe(2 door sporty car)

  轿车--- sedan(4 door family car)

  三排以上座位的豪华车--- limonsine

  敞篷车--- convertible

  吉普类车---SUV (sport utility vehicle)

  刹车--- brake

  防死刹车系统--- ABS (Anti-lock brake system)

  车牌--- license plate

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  晕车 --- car sickness

  缆车 --- a cable car

  车祸 --- car accident (短时间的)

  停车场 --- car park

  车费 --- car fare

  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

  car pool(ing) --- 为了节省parking space, 几人共同使用一辆车

  car jack --- 在车中强行抢车

  生活用语 Street Talks

  A: Can I borrow your car tonight?

  B: Just make sure you don’t wreck it.

  A: Nancy, you want to go to a movie now?

  B: Sorry, I can’t leave now. I’m car pooling today

  电影对白 Transcripts

  句型 Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? 《毕业生》

  Did the dry cleaners have your car? 《情归巴黎》

  I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car. 《西雅图夜未眠》

  The car is down this way. 《西雅图夜未眠》

  Please do not leave your car unattended. 《毕业生》

  对话 Mr. Carlson: Is that the new car out there? The little red Wop job?

  Mr. Braddock: That's Ben's graduation present. 《毕业生》

  Mrs. Robinson: We'd go to his car.

  Ben: Oh no. In the car you did it?

  Mrs. Robinson: I don't think we were the first.

  Ben: What kind of car was it?

  Mrs. Robinson: What?

  Ben: Do you remember the make of the car?

  Mrs. Robinson: Oh my God.

  Ben: Really. I want to know.

  Mrs. Robinson: It was a Ford, Benjamin. 《毕业生》.

  名言 Quotations

  I don’t even like old cars … I’d rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God’s sake.

  J. D. Salinger (b. 1919), U.S. author. Holden Caulfield, in The Catcher in the Rye, ch. 17 (1951).



  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. 偶然性,运气

  Bill left everything to chance. (每件事都听其自然。)

  n. [C] 机会

  John wants to go abroad when he gets a chance.

  n. 可能

  This ideal stands a good chance of realization.

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  邂逅 --- chance meeting

  私生子 --- chance child

  偶然地 --- by chance

  碰碰运气 --- take a chance

  听天由命,顺其自然 --- leave…to chance

  机会/可能性很大 --- stand a good chance

  可能性很小 --- slim chance

  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

  Fat chance! --- 没戏!(Not a chance. No way.)

  Chinaman’s chance --- 机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知)

  chance of a lifetime --- 千载难逢的机会

  by any chance --- 或许,可能

  the chance are that --- 很可能

  生活用语 Street Talks

  A: Sally, I was wondering if I, I could borrow…Well I mean…Imean borrow…

  B: Money? Me lend you money! Not a chance! (全无机会)

  A: Well Mr. Black, I appreciate your interest in our company, but I doubt you can do this job properly.

  B: I’m sure I can do it well. I’ve always wanted to be the best in whatever I did. Give me a chance. (给我一次机会吧)

  A: Well, the debate was fair.

  B: Yeah, you said it. Each opponent had a chance to speak.

  A: As chance would have it, I ran into Ron today. (很凑巧)

  B: Do you have a cigarette by chance? (凑巧)

  A: VV, would you lend me 50,000?

  B: Fat chance!

  What about my chances to got this job?

  Are you from China by any chance?

  电影对白 Transcripts

  句型 The only chance they’ll ever have is a half way house, that’ll help them get their feet under them again. 《情归巴黎》

  But, I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 《阿甘正传》

  Everybody gets a second chance. 《阿甘正传》

  Give it a chance. 《情归巴黎》

  对话 David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.

  Linus: I don’t have time for dessert. I’m too busy with thiscompany. You’re a grown man, David. Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson’s the best things that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself. 《情归巴黎》

  谚语 Proverbs

  Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.人生际遇,难得平等。


本文关键字: 上海中级口译

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