
2022-02-21 18:55:00来源:网络

1 你想加入我们吗?

Would you like to join us?

2 你有时间吗?

Do you have time?

3 去参加聚会好吗?

What about going to a party?

4 不知你本周日是否想和我们一起去野餐?

I was wondering if you'd like to go on a picnic with us this sunday.

5 我想请你周五参加我的生日聚会

I want to invite you to my birthday party this Friday.

6 你想跳个舞吗?

Care to dance?

7 咱们喝杯咖啡去。

Let's go get coffee.

A: Hi charles, I want you know that i finally found an apartment in HaiDian

B: You did ? that is great!

A: Yeah, I am having a party this saturday night, a sort of house warming, and i want to invite you. are you busy?

B: No i am free, i will be there, what time the thing starting ?

A: Around seven.

B: Ok, great, should i bring anything?

A: No, but thanks for offering , actually could you bring some fold-up chairs for people if you have any? I am afraid not everyone's going to have a seat, do you have any?

B: sure, I will be happy to bring a few, what is the address?

A: Don't worry, I will come to pick you up at about 6:30.

B: Got it.

本文关键字: 365天职场英语口语
