
2022-09-09 07:39:00来源:网络



  Green tea could hold the key to preventing thousands of deaths each year caused by strokes and heart disease , a new study has claimed.一项新的研究表明,每年都有上个人因中风和心脏疾病而死亡,而常喝绿茶则是预防这种死亡的关键。

  Scientists had been researching epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in green tea, for its ability to reduce amyloid plaques in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients.科学家一直在研究绿茶中的一种成分epigallocatechin-3-gallate(简称EGCG),看其能否减少阿尔兹海默(老年痴呆)病人脑中的淀粉样斑块”(这些斑块会损害大脑细胞之间的联系,导致记忆力退化)。

  However, a team from Lancaster University and the University of Leeds now believe EGCG can also break up potentially dangerous protein plaques found in blood vessels.但是,来自兰开斯特大学和利兹大学的研究小组发现EGCG可以破坏血管上面有潜在危险的蛋白质沉积。

  Atherosclerosis, the build-up of fatty material inside arteries that reduces the flow of blood, can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks or stroke.动脉粥样硬化,也就是在血管中形成的脂肪物质会减缓血液流动,会提高罹患心脏病和中风的风险。

  But, in the paper published in the Journal Biological Chemistry, researchers said EGCG can bind to fibres in the tissue, converting them into smaller, soluble molecules less likely to cause damage.但是根据《生物科学期刊》上面发表的论文,研究人员说EGCG让纤维和组织相结合,让他们变小,可溶性分子不太可能造成损伤。

  “Our results show that this intriguing compound might also be effective against the types of plaques which can cause heart attacks and strokes.”“我们的研究结果表明,绿茶中的这个成分,对于产生心脏病和中风的沉积也有作用。”

  The researchers, funded by the British Heart Foundation , are now beginning to look at ways effective levels EGCG could be introduced into the bloodstream without individuals being required to drink huge quantities of green tea.由英国心脏基金会出资,研究者们不用让被试人员引入大量的绿茶,而能使血管内的EGCG标准达到有效水平。

  Methods could include modifying the structure of the compound to make it easier to absorb through the stomach, or delivering the chemical to a precise location via injection.这些方法包括改变EGCG的结构让它更容易被胃吸收,或者通过在某个特定位置进行注射这种化学物质来实现。

  Despite the positivity from scientists involved in the research, not all experts are convinced of the study's importance.尽管研究有积极的成果,不过不是所有专家都认同这项研究的重要性。

  Tim Chico, professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Sheffield, described the research as “interesting”, but added more information was needed before conclusions could be drawn.来自谢菲尔德大学的心血管药物的教授Tim Chico将这项研究“很有意思”,不过还需要更多的信息才能够得出结论。

  “It is far too early to suggest that this will lead to new treatments,” he said.“要把这种方式作为一项新的治疗手段还有很长的路要走。”他说。

  “There are thousands of researchers working across the globe using many different approaches to try to tackle heart disease, and people should be encouraged that we are making great progress.“在世界各地有数以千计的研究者通过多种不同的手段来治疗心脏病,我们取得了很大的成效,大家应该为此鼓舞。”

  “However, adopting a healthy active lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight remain the best ways to reduce our risk of heart disease.“”不过,要有一种积极健康的生活方式,均衡饮食,不抽烟,保持健康体重,这才是减少心脏病风险的最好方式。”

  Heart and circulatory disease claims the lives of around 160,000 people in the UK each year, accounting for roughly a quarter of deaths nationwide, while a further 40,000 suffer fatal stokes.每年在英国有16万人因心脏病和循环系统疾病而死亡,占了全球因该病死亡人数的四分之一。而且还有4万人因中风而致命。



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