
2022-09-12 07:39:00来源:网络



  You won't see any more swimsuits on the Miss America stage.你再也不会在美国小姐的舞台上看到泳装了。

  Gretchen Carlson, the new head of the organization's board of directors, revealed that Miss America will no longer judge women based on their physical appearance.该组织的新任董事会主席格里钦·卡尔森表示,美国小姐不再以女性的外貌为依据来评价她们。

  'We are no longer a pageant ,' Carlson said on Tuesday. 'We are a competition.'“我们举办的不再是一场选美比赛,”卡尔森于周二说道。“我们举办的是一场竞赛。”

  The decision comes months after internal emails revealed former CEO Sam Haskell and board members frequently demeaned the physical appearance, intellect, and personal lives of former pageant winners, including Carlson.先前,该组织的内部邮件揭露了前总裁萨姆·哈斯克尔及董事会成员经常出言侮辱前选美比赛冠军的外貌、智慧及个人生活,这其中就包括卡尔森。而在这些内部邮件被曝光几个月之后,该组织就做出了这一决定。

  Now Carlson hopes to usher in a new era for the organization, revealing the evening gown portion will also be cut as well.如今卡尔森希望引领该组织走进新时代,她还透露,晚礼服环节也将被取消。

  Instead contestants will be asked to wear any attire that makes them feel confident, expresses their personal style, and shows how they will advance the role of Miss America.作为替代,参赛者将被要求穿上让她们觉得自信的任何服饰,她们可以展现自己的个人风格,证明她们将如何提高美国小姐这个角色的重要性。

  The swimsuit competition will now be replaced with an interactive session with the judges, in which the women will be asked to demonstrate their 'passion, intelligence, and overall understanding of the job of Miss America'.如今泳装比赛将被替换为一场与评委进行互动的会议。在会议上,女士们将被要求证明她们的“热情、智慧以及她们对美国小姐这份工作的整体认识”。

  Carlson also revealed that the organization now plans to put a greater emphasis on talent and scholarship.卡尔森还透露,该组织目前计划更加注重参赛者的才能和学识。

  But not everyone was excited about the news on Tuesday morning.不过,不是所有人都因周二上午的这则新闻而激动。

  One commenter on Twitter called it a 'horrible decision' that will 'ruin show and tradition'.推特上的一位评论者称其为“一个可怕的决定”,并表示它会“毁掉节目和传统”。

  'So basically they are getting rid of the only reason people actually watch Miss America?', one man asked.“所以基本上他们放弃了人们实际上观看美国小姐的唯一理由?”,一名男子问道。

  'Saying that Miss America contestants will no longer be judged on their appearance is like announcing that the Super Bowl will no longer be won by the team that scores the most points. In other words, it's utterly stupid,' said another angry male viewer.“说美国小姐将不再根据参赛者的外貌去评价她们,就像宣布超级碗橄榄球赛的冠军将不再是得分最多的那个队伍一样。换句话说,这是个相当愚蠢的决定,”另外一位愤怒的男性观众说道。

  Kendall Morris, a former Miss Texas who was the preliminary swimsuit winner at the Miss America 2012 pageant, also expressed some disappointment at the news.肯达尔·莫里斯是2012年美国小姐选美比赛预选赛的泳装冠军,得知这一消息后,她也表达了些许失望。

  'As a former Miss America swimsuit winner, I have mixed feelings about getting rid of that part of the competition,' she wrote in a statement.“作为一名前美国小姐泳装冠军,对于取消比赛的这一环节,我的心情很复杂,”她在一份声明中说道。

  'I have experienced firsthand the benefits of the fitness portion through receiving scholarship money and working with trainers who volunteered their time to teach me how to eat healthy and exercise, not just for 15 seconds onstage but for life.'“我从健美环节获得了直接益处,我得到了奖学金,与自愿花时间指导我如何健康饮食及锻炼的训练员一起合作,(它对我的影响)不仅仅是舞台上的15秒钟,而是一生。”

  But Morris added that she was 'excited' that the changes would allow more young women to compete in the program.不过莫里斯补充道,她很“激动”,这些改变将使更多的年轻女性参与到这个节目的比赛中。

  And while there were some male critics of the news, many more women celebrated the major change and praised the organization for 'solely judging women on their intellect'.虽然一些男士对这一消息吹毛求疵,但更多女性欢迎这项重大改变,并称赞了该组织“只凭借她们的智慧来评价她们”的决定。

  And there was plenty of praise for the decision on Twitter, with one fan calling the news 'amazing'.而且,许多人在推特上赞扬了这一决定,一位粉丝称这则消息“令人惊喜”。

  'Bravo Miss America! What a great step in the right direction.'“美国小姐棒极了!这真是朝正确方向迈进了一大步。”



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