
2022-09-21 07:41:00来源:网络



  India is the most dangerous country in the world to be a woman because of the high risk of sexual violence and slave labor, a new survey of experts shows.一项新的专家调查指出,对女性而言,印度是世界上最危险的国家,因为在该国遭受性暴力及奴役的风险很高。

  Nine of the 10 countries on the list were from Asia, the Middle East or Africa. At number 10 was the United States, the only Western country to be included. The foundation that released the results said this was directly related to the #MeToo movement.上榜的十个国家有九个来自亚洲、中东或非洲。排在第十位的是美国,唯一上榜的西方国家。公布该调查结果的基金会表示,这个结果与“我也是”运动直接相关。

  India has long grappled with the issue of sexual violence. In 2012, the central government passed legislation increasing penalties for sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse, including extending prison sentences and introducing the death penalty.长期以来印度一直在努力解决性暴力的问题。2012年,印度中央政府通过立法加重了性侵、强奸及性虐待的惩罚,包括延长刑期及纳入死刑。

  But despite the introduction of stricter laws, around 100 sexual assaults are reported to police in the country every day, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.虽然制定了更为严苛的法律,但印度国家犯罪统计局表示,在印度警察每天依然会接到约100次性侵报案。

  The foundation's survey was conducted after the #MeToo campaign emerged in October 2017. The large number of women alleging sexual misconduct since then is the reason the US has been included on the list.2017年10月“我也是”运动发起,从那时起,大量女性称自己遭受过性侵。在“我也是”运动之后,该基金会才展开了这项调查,美国也因此上榜。

  War-torn Afghanistan ranked second, as the worst country for non-sexual violence against women, which includes conflict-related violence and domestic abuse.饱受战争蹂躏的阿富汗排在第二位,因为这个国家是女性遭受非性暴力最严重的国家,其中包括因冲突而产生的暴力以及家庭暴力。

  Syria, where a war has raged for more than seven years, ranked third on the list. The country is considered the second-most dangerous in terms of sexual violence.排在榜单第三位的是叙利亚,战争已在该国持续了七年多。在性暴力问题上,该国被认为是第二危险的国家。

  The Foundation held a similar survey seven years ago, and found Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia to the be the five most dangerous countries for women.七年前,该基金会进行了一项类似的调查,当时的调查结果是阿富汗、刚果民主共和国、巴基斯坦、印度和索马里是对女性而言最危险的五个国家。

  "World leaders vowed three years ago to eliminate all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls by 2030, allowing them to live freely and safely to participate equally in political, economic and public life," the foundation said.“三年前,全球领导人郑重声明,到2030年消除针对妇女和女孩的各种形式的暴力和歧视,使她们安全自由地生活,平等地参与政治、经济和公共生活,”该基金会说道。

  That India had moved to the top of poll showed not enough was being done to protect the rights of women, argued experts.专家表示,印度上升至该榜单的第一位,这说明在保护妇女权力方面,印度做的还不够。

  The world's most dangerous countries for women对女性而言世界上最危险的国家

  According to the survey:据调查:

  1. India1. 印度

  2. Afghanistan2. 阿富汗

  3. Syria3. 叙利亚

  4. Somalia4. 索马里

  5. Saudi Arabia5. 沙特阿拉伯

  6. Pakistan6. 巴基斯坦

  7. Democratic Republic of Congo7. 刚果民主共和国

  8. Yemen8. 也门

  9. Nigeria9. 尼日利亚

  10. United States10. 美国



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