
2023-05-17 14:00:00来源:网络


  Why do you want this job? This is a common interview question, so it is

  good idea to prepare your answer ahead of time.


  When answering this question, you want to show that you have researched the

  company, and prove that you are a good fit for the job.


  Read below for more advice on answering this question, and sample



  How to Answer the Question


  ● Research the company ahead of time. Interviewers will be listening for a

  response that shows you've done research on the company. Make sure you know some

  basic information about both the company and the job. You might want to read

  some recent articles on the company to get a sense of their current goals and

  projects. Also be sure to reread the job posting. This way, when you answer the

  question, you can mention specific aspects of the company and position that

  appeal to you.



  ● Be specific about why you are a good fit. Be specific about what makes

  you a good fit for this role. To prepare your answer, make a list of the

  requirements of the job (as explained in the job listing), and then note which

  requirements fit your skills and experience. In your answer, highlight a few of

  your abilities that qualify you for the job.



  ● Emphasize what you can contribute. Your answer should also emphasize what

  you can contribute—what will you bring to the position? Mention any skills or

  work experience that makes you a unique, strong candidate for the job. If

  possible, use numbers to express how you can add value to the company. For

  example, if you saved your previous company a certain amount of money, mention

  this, and say that you want to do the same for this company.



  ● Avoid reasons that focus on you. Even if it's true, do not mention

  salary, hours, or commute as the primary reasons you want the job. Remember that

  you want to focus on how you can benefit the company, not how the company or job

  can benefit you.



  Best Answers to the Question


  Below are some of the best job interview answers to the question, "Why do

  you want this job?" Customize these answers to fit your particular circumstances

  and the job you are applying for.


  ● I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing, two of my

  greatest skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15% in what was at

  the time considered a flat industry. I know I could bring my ten years of sales

  and marketing experience to this company, and help you continue your years of




  ● I understand that this is a company on the rise. As I’ve read on your

  website and in various press releases, you are planning to launch several new

  products in the coming months. I want be a part of this business as it grows,

  and I know my experience in product development would help your company as you

  roll out these products.



  ● I have worked as a dental hygienist in a children’s dental office for the

  past six years. Not only am I experienced working with this population, but also

  I greatly enjoy it. Being able to work for your office, which caters to children

  and young adults, would allow me to continue to put my skills to use in a

  population I love. This is the kind of work environment I would look forward to

  coming to every day.



  ● This job is a good fit for what I've been doing and enjoying throughout

  my career. It offers a mix of short-term projects and long-term goals. My

  organizational skills allow me to successfully multitask and complete both kinds

  of projects.



  ● I want this retail job at your store because I know I would be terrific

  at it. I love engaging with people and providing them with assistance. I also

  have two years of experience working cash registers at other stores. I am a

  regular customer of this store, so I would love to apply my skills to a store I

  believe in and support.



  ● I have admired this company’s successful strategies and mission for

  years. Your emphasis on creating a relationship between your company and the

  surrounding community have brought you success everywhere you have opened an

  office. There are values I greatly admire.

  ● 多年来我一直钦佩贵公司成功的战略和使命。您对建立公司和周边社区良好关系的重视为你们各地的办事处带来了成功。这样的价值观是我非常崇尚的。


本文关键字: 面试英语口语



