
2023-09-25 14:21:06来源:新东方在线



方法一:数字 + times + as + 原级 + as +比较对象

It cost three times as much as I had expected. 它花的钱比我预期的多两倍。

Cats sleep twice as much as people. 猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍。

Unemployment among blacks was twice as high as that for white. 黑人的失业人数是白人的两倍。

New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. 新驾驶人所出的事故是老驾驶人的两倍。

There is an entrance hall of perfect proportions, twice as long as it is wide. 有一处比例堪称完美的门廊,长是宽的两倍。

方法二:数字 + times + the size / length / depth / height / width / quantity / amount / etc+ of +比较对象

Their house is twice the size of ours. 他们的房子是我们的两倍大。

The queen bee is twice the length of a worker bee. 蜂王的体长为工蜂的两倍。

Many are holding out for ten times the price. 许多人坚持索要10倍于该价格的价钱。

This room is twice the length of the other, but much narrower. 这个房间的长度是那个房间的两倍,但窄得多。

Concorde crosses the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound. 协和飞机以两倍于声速的速度飞越大西洋。

The soil contains 30 times the acceptable level of radioactivity. 这片土壤受到了高于标准30 倍的辐射。

Air pollution in the city had reached five times the acceptable levels. 这座城市的空气污染程度曾高达可接受标准的四倍。


He eats twice the amount that you eat.= He eats twice what you eat. 他比你多吃一倍。/

This box is twice the size of that one.= This box is twice as large as that one. 这个盒子是那个盒子的两倍。

方法三:数字 + times + 比较级 + than + 比较对象

She’s a zillion times brainier than I am. 她比我聪明亿万倍。

She can walk three times further than you. 他能比你多走三倍的路。

This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。

It was ten times more difficult than I expected. 这事比我预想的要困难十倍。

It took three times longer I had expected. 这件事比我预料的多花了两倍的时间。

Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company. 它的利润增长速度比一般公司快4倍。

Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce. 劳动人口中,年轻人失业的可能性是年长者的好几倍。

Carrying goods by train costs nearly three times more than carrying them by barge. 通过铁路运货的成本比驳船运货成本高出近3倍。

Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal. 双胞胎的早产率要比一般的高出两倍,在36到38周之间分娩很正常。

The new method was ten times more efficient than the traditional one. 新方法比传统方法的效率提高了10倍。


This is a ten-fold increase in five years. 在5年中翻了10倍。

The population in this area has increased fourfold. 该地区的人口已增加到原来的4倍。

The reasons for the delay are three fold. 延误的原因有三。

要注意正确理解threefold, fourfold, fivefold等的意思,如fourfold的意思是four times as much or as many,译成汉语是“4倍(的)”:

The value of the house has increased fourfold since 1939. 房价自1939年以来增加到原来的4倍(或:房价自1939年以来增加了3倍)。


His income is double hers. 他的收入是她的两倍。

Capital expenditure was treble the 2002 level. 资本支出是 2002 年的三倍。

The volume of traffic has grown by a factor of four. 车流量已是原来的4倍。

The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum. 他血液中的酒精含量为法定最高限量的三倍。

Sales have quadrupled in the last five years. 过去五年中,销售额已增长四倍。

This year we produced quadruple the amount produced in 2002. 我们今年的产量是 2002 年的四倍。

We need double the amount we already have. 我们需要现有数量的两倍。

The money they were asking for was triple the amount we expected. 他们要的钱数是我们预期的3倍。

The driver was more than seven times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). 那名司机体内的酒精含量超过了法律允许限度的三倍。

The amount of reclaimed glass used in industry has doubled in the last five years. 用在工业上的再生玻璃的数量在过去5年内增加了1倍。


  英语数词用法 的学习经验


  1. 基础知识:首先,你要清楚阿拉伯数字和英语之间的对应关系,这是最基础的一步。在通常情况下,1到12在英语中都有单独的表达方式,而13到19则基于10的基础上加上个位数(例如,15为Fifteen)。而对于20及以上的大数,则除了10的倍数外,其他数则是将百位、十位和个位分别表示出来。

  2. 大数的表达:当数字很大时,其表达方式也会发生改变,如“100”就变成了"one hundred", “1000”就变成了"one thousand", “10000”就变成了"ten thousand",逐渐熟悉这些表达方式,能够帮助理解和使用大数。

  3. 分数和小数:在英语中,小数和分数的表达方式也是特殊的。例如,0.5通常表达为"point five"或者"one half"。记住这些表达方式,能够帮助正确地使用小数和分数。

  4. 日期和时间:英语中的日期和时间也有特定的表示方法。如“一月一日”,通常以"January the first"或"One o'clock"表示,而三点半则表示为"half past three"。

  5. 练习:通过口语练习以及听写等方式,可以增强你对英语数词的理解和记忆。在日常生活中尝试用英语描述事物,计算价格,报告时间等,都可以帮助你提升对英语数词的掌握。

  6. 阅读和写作:阅读英文文章,新闻,书籍等,能够帮助你看到更多的数词用法和场景,写作练习则可以让你学以致用。

  7. 使用教材和工具:有许多专门针对英语数词的教材和学习工具,比如教科书,手机应用,网站等,这些都可以提供更系统的学习资源跟练习题目。

