
2023-12-27 07:23:00来源:网络


  New research suggests that alpha women might have more success in the workplace if, rather than behaving like men, they let their softer side show. But how much emotion is too much? During a brief but rather torrid affair with a Frenchman a few years ago, I remember making several visits to the bathroom at work to have a good cry. Each time I’d blow my nose, check my make-up, regain my composure and return to my desk — hoping my colleagues wouldn’t notice.


  Yes, says U.S. journalist and author Anne Kreamer’s new book It’s Always Personal: Emotion In The New Workplace. Based on a study of 700 Americans, the book revealed that women cried a lot more than men but claimed this was not viewed by others as a bad thing. Specifically, 41?per cent of women had shed tears at work, compared with 9?per cent of men. Both genders said the most common reason for tears was stress from home spilling over into work.

  美国记者兼作家Anne Kreamer在自己的新书《It’s Always Personal》(自然而然的情感宣泄)中阐述了自己对在工作中宣泄情感举动的个人看法。根据书中所述,在针对700名美国人的调查中发现,女性在工作场合中哭泣崩溃的几率远远大于男性,但是这种情况并不会被工作伙伴视为“不专业”的表现,反而视为一种符合“人性化”的一种表现形式。据调查,41%的女性经常“泪撒职场”,与之相比,只有9%的男性职工会在工作中哭泣,数字十分悬殊,不免让人理解那句话:女人是水做的。

  ‘People at all levels of management had cried at work, dispelling the notion it’s career suicide,’ says Anne. Another surprise was that men were more sympathetic to the idea of crying at work than women.

  作家Anne Kreamer说道:“不管在职场中处于任何管理阶层,不管是高层人士,还是草根级别,人们不免都会在工作中惆怅甚至为此哭泣。此外,男人似乎会用怜悯之情来同情在工作中哭泣的女同事,给予她们更多的帮助。”

  Psychology researcher Yasmine Yaghmour carried out a similar but smaller study with Professor Gail Kinman at the University of Bedford in 2008. They found women who cried judged themselves far more harshly than they judged others who became outwardly upset. ‘There is still a stigmatised view of crying at work. Women are concerned they will be perceived as weak,’ explains Yasmine.The emotional fall-out from tears in the office — guilt, embarrassment and shame — can often cause a greater knock-on effect than the tears themselves.

  心理学家研究员Yasmine Yaghmour在2008年与教授Gail Kinman合作研究后发现,在工作场合经常扮演“林妹妹”的女职工往往对自己的要求更加严格,由于对自己要求过于苛刻所以才经常在同事面前落泪。以往来说,在工作中哭泣都会被标上“耻辱”“不专业”的标签,而为达不成工作任务而落泪往往被视作懦弱的表现。而如今专家们经过调查后觉得事实不完全如此,他们认为能够有胆在办公室宣泄自己的情绪的人相反“心理素质”更高,在工作中比起同事会取得更大的成就。


本文关键字: 双语新闻



