
2024-07-02 11:09:00来源:网络


  Cheese is typically considered more of an indulgence than a health food, but a new review of research suggests that it may not be as bad for you as once thought. In fact, people in the analysis who ate a little bit of cheese every day were less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke, compared to those who rarely or never ate cheese.


  Cheese, like other dairy products, contains high levels of saturated fat-which has been linked to high cholesterol, atherosclerosis and an increased risk of heart disease. (Recently, however, some nutrition experts believe that saturated fat is more benign.) But cheese also contains potentially beneficial ingredients like calcium, protein and probiotics, wrote the authors of the new paper, published in the European Journal of Nutrition.


  To learn more about how long-term cheese consumption affects a person's risk for cardiovascular disease, researchers from China and the Netherlands combined and analyzed data from 15 observational studies including more than 200,000 people.


  The researchers' findings were "certainly different from what people might expect," says Dr. Allan Stewart, director of aortic surgery at Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, who was not involved in the new analysis. Overall, people who consumed high levels of cheese had a 14% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease and were 10% less likely to have a stroke than those who rarely or never ate cheese.

  研究员的研究结果"与人们所期望的完全不同,"艾伦·斯图尔特博士说道。他是西奈山医学中心Ichan School of Medicine的主动脉手术主任,他没有参与到这项新分析中。总的来说,相比很少吃或从来不吃奶酪的人来说,大量摄入奶酪的人患冠心病的风险要低14%、中风的风险要低10%。

  The relationship, however, was U-shaped rather than linear-meaning that higher quantities of cheese were not necessarily better. The people who had the lowest risks for heart disease and stroke were those who consumed, on average, about 40 grams a day-about the size of a matchbook. (According to the review, the average American eats about 42.5 grams a day.)


  "This is not the same as eating a big slice of cheesy pizza every day," says Stewart. He also cautions against reading too much into data that's self-reported-because people tend to over- or under-estimate their consumption of specific foods.



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