
2024-07-10 08:21:00来源:网络



  The expansion of the universities since the beginning of World War II and the great increase in number of college graduates and ph. Ds have produced a corps of technicians, aides, speechwriters, symbol manufactures, investigators, and policy proposers who are now employed by practical men in all institutions. These people, called intellectuals in the sense that they deal with symbols and ideas, have become professionalized in exactly the same sense as the engineer. Unlike the engineer, however, these professional intellectuals are free from much of the routine grind of daily work: they carry light teaching load and enjoy government and foundation grants and subsidies for their research.

  The professor's project budget is the initial economic base that supports his independence within the university. The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university, which takes a percentage "overhead" out of every project budget. The major feature of project money, whether its source is government or business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract for each project, so that the investigator's independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts. The ability to secure contracts is a genuine talent among professional intellectuals.


  第二次世界大战以来,大学的数目不断增长,本科、甚至是博士毕业生也与日俱增,从而诞生了大批的技术人员、助手、演讲稿撰写人、徽章生产商、调查人员和政 策研究员,他们效力于各类务实的研究所中。这些人员主要解决符号和概念问题,与工程师几乎一样高度专业化,所以人们把它们称为知识分子。然而这些人员与工程师还有所不同--他们不需从事繁重的日常例行工作,仅承担少量教学工作,同时享受政府研究津贴或补贴。教授项目预算是其最初的经济基础,使得教师得以在大学里保持独立。研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。大学的资金偿还在整个项目预算中占有重要比例。无论来自于政府或商界,项目资金的重要特点是其建立在契约上,即不同的项目可以争取相同的项目资金,因此调研人员要取得独立,就必须得到连续的研究项目。获得研究项目是知识分子的一种真正才能。


  经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。中国政府坚持实行以扩大内需为主的发展方针,并把扩大内需与调整经济结构,推动科技进步,促进对外开放结合起来。随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势, 经济优势将得到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。


  Thanks to the rapid (economic) development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology was laid in the western region of China. With the society enjoying a rather satisfactory stability, and the market economy system being established and improved on a daily basis, providing a favourable market environment for the western region to maintain the sustained and rapid economic growth. While focusing on its policy of expanding the western region, the Chinese government also attaches rather great importance to the restructuring of the economy, the promotion of the scentific and technological development, the deepening of the opening-up policy as well. With the stable advance in the development of the western region, the advantages of the region in resources and economy will be given full play, thus further improving the quality and standard of the economic growth.


本文关键字: CATTI历年真题



