日常职场英语白领对话:从权威地位退下 Stepping aside

2024-09-19 09:53:00来源:网络

  职场英语口语在实际的工作中,还是比较常见的。对于一些经常需要用英语口语的职业,大家还是需要加强这方面的提升,这样对于我们的整个工作顺利成都,未来的职场晋升都有很好的帮助。而且也能够帮助我们提升职场技能。具体的职场英语口语都有哪些呢?小编为大家整理了“日常职场英语白领对话:从权威地位退下 Stepping aside”相关内容,供大家参考。

  Narrator: 大家好,欢迎收听《白领英语》节目。上集节目里我们听到 Tip Top 贸易公司的一些员工在新产品塑料茄子发布会上冲动的举动。Tom 把一个塑料茄子砸向 Dave,虽然没砸上人,可是砸破了一扇窗户的玻璃。老板 Paul 可要训话了。

  (Door shuts)

  Paul: That behaviour just isn’t on.

  Tom: Sorry Paul… but it was quite funny wasn’t it?

  Paul: No it wasn’t.

  Anna: Sorry Paul, Tom was just angry with Dave. I thought he liked me but we saw him with Julie from accounts.

  Paul: Really? He seemed such a decent chap… anyway, don’t do it again. OK? In the meantime, you’re going to have to pay for that broken window.

  (Phone rings)

  Tom: What… hey? Bbbut…

  Paul: Now, excuse me, I need to take this. (Answers phone) Hello, Paul Smith speaking. Ah, Mr Socrates… yes… ah, you've heard… it was….

  Tom: (Whispering) Crikey, come on we’d better go.

  (Door shuts)

  Denise: That was a good shot Tom! Looks like it’s made an impact on Dave. Look, he’s sent Anna some flowers.

  Anna: Oh there’s a note on it… it says "You can count on me".

  Denise: That's a strange thing for him to write.

  Anna: Hmm, it is and it’s not his handwriting.

  Tom: Maybe a secret admirer eh? I wonder who it could be?

  (Door opens)

  Denise: Are you OK Paul? You look as white as a sheet.

  Paul: I’m not actually. Mr Socrates says he’s having a strategic review.

  Anna: A what?

  Narrator: 他的意思是说大老板正在审查公司的营运情况和今后的发展方向。

  Anna: That sounds serious.

  Paul: And as part of his review, he says he wants to downsize and he’s asked me to… ‘step aside’.

  Anna: Why? What are you in the way of?

  Narrator: 不是的 Anna. To step aside 是个委婉的说法,意思就是从现任的职务上退下。

  Anna: Oh. I don’t understand Paul. Why?

  Paul: He says the company needs new direction and more dynamic leadership.

  Tom: Crumbs Paul, you can’t get more dynamic than you!

  Anna: Tom! But Paul, you’ve been a great boss.

  Paul: Thanks Anna. I guess it’s the economic climate, we’re not making enough money so cutting staff is inevitable.

  Tom: Yeah but you cut Denise’s job.

  Paul: Yes but we had to get her back because she was necessary for the smooth running of the department.

  Denise: That’s right.

  Paul: But Mr Socrates says I’m ‘surplus to requirement’.

  Anna: Oh that doesn’t sound good does it?

  Narrator: 如果 Paul 的职位是 surplus to requirement, 也就是说公司不再需要他的技能了。这可不是什么好消息。

  Paul: Anyway Anna, Mr Socrates wants to know if you got his special message?

  Anna: Special message. The flowers!?

  Denise: That’s strange. Why is Mr Socrates sending you flowers?

  Narrator: 听起来是有点儿奇怪。总之,Paul 从职位上退下的消息让大家都很吃惊。下面我们再来听一遍大老板 Mr Socrates 是怎么告诉 Paul 这个噩耗的。

  I’ve been doing a strategic review of the company. 我在审查公司的经营策略。

  I need to downsize. 我需要缩小公司的规模。

  I need you to step aside. 我需要你让位。

  The company needs new direction and more dynamic leadership. 公司需要全新的发展方向和更有活力的领导层。

  You are surplus to requirement. 你的技能将不再需要。

  Anna: Right, I’m going to have to call Mr Socrates and find out why he’s sent me flowers.

  (Anna phones Mr Socrates)

  Mr Socrates: Socrates… who wants me?

  Anna: Erm… hello Mr Socrates… it’s Anna here.

  Mr Socrates: Anna! My favourite girl. Please call me Brad. So glad you called.

  Anna: I needed to speak to you about the flowers you sent me. I’m very flattered but I don’t think…

  Mr Socrates: The flowers?! Sorry honey, I haven’t sent you any flowers but I have sent you an email – have you read it yet?

  Anna: No. What did it say?

  Mr Socrates: I was saying that as I’m giving Paul the chop, would you like a promotion?

  Anna: A promotion?

  Mr Socrates: Yes. You have been an outstanding member of the team so how would like to be the new manager of Tip Top Trading’s London office?

  Narrator: 多么好的一个机会呀!Anna 可一定得抓住这个机会。不过她会接受这个工作吗?还有到底是谁送花儿给 Anna 并且说 'you can count on me 我是你的依靠,你可以指望我'?下集我们将揭晓 Anna 是否接受大老板的提拔。再会。


  你觉得是谁给 Anna 送的花儿?


  在 Anna 的介绍演说中,她建议如何使用塑料茄子?


  以上就是为大家整理的“日常职场英语白领对话:从权威地位退下 Stepping aside”相关内容,更多职场英语口语精彩内容,请关注本频道的持续更新!

本文关键字: 日常职场英语



