
2024-09-19 09:53:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 大家好!Tip Top 贸易公司最近不是很顺。Mr Ingle 的一根香烟造成了仓库的一把火。现在美国总部的大老板 Mr Socrates又突然出现在这里。

  Mr Socrates: So honey, you are…?

  Anna: Anna. I'm Anna, I work here as a sales executive. We haven't met before.

  Mr Socrates: We sure ain't. Looks like I've arrived just in the nick of time.

  Paul: (out of breath) What's going on? Oh, Mr Socrates! Golly gosh, what an unexpected pleasure.

  Mr Socrates: Unexpected alright. Looks like this business is in a mess.

  Paul: Err yes. It was OK when I popped out for some biscuits… erm, would you like one?

  Mr Socrates: Biscuits?! They're cookies man. Now what do I have to do to get a triple-shot, organic, skinny cappuccino round here?

  Anna: I'll get you one Mr Socrates.

  Mr Socrates: It's OK honey. I need you to book me a hotel room. You... what's your name again… Paul… you can fetch me one.

  Narrator: 好的,Anna. 赶快订个宾馆房间给 Mr Socrates, 这可是件很容易的事情。

  Anna: Well, I've never done it before.

  Narrator: 没问题。你给宾馆打电话的时候可以说

  Hello, I'd like to check availability and prices for a room please.

  你好, 我想确认一下你们有没有空房和价格。

  Does the price include breakfast?


  Are there any business facilities such as internet and wi-fi?


  I'd like to go ahead and make the reservation please.



  Anna: OK I'll give it a try. But where shall I look?

  Narrator: 先在网上找找吧。一定要五星级的, 他可是重量级人物,可不能怠慢了。祝你好运。

  Anna: Thanks. I better get back to the office and get started.

  Tom: Hi Anna.

  Anna: Oh hi Tom. Well done for saving Mr Ingle in that fire. You were very brave.

  Tom: It was nothing really. So… err… what are you doing?

  Anna: I've got to book a hotel for Mr Socrates.

  Tom: No! You know, we must be in trouble. He never visits.

  Anna: Really? So where shall I book him in to?

  Tom: Well my friend runs a fantastic hotel – it's five-star! It's called The Royal Imperial. Look, I've got his number. Give him a call, mention my name. You're bound to get a special rate.

  Anna: Thanks Tom.

  Tom: No problem. Oh but don't forget Mr S only likes a room with a single bed in it. He gets spooked out if there's another empty bed.

  Anna: Oh right. OK, I might as well give it a try. On the phone…

  Receptionist: Hello. Royal Imperial Hotel.

  Anna: Oh, hello. I'd like to check availability and rates for a room.

  Receptionist: When for?

  Anna: For three nights from tonight. Your best room please!

  Receptionist: All our rooms are the best! But, yes, we have one. It's £100 a night.

  Anna: Right. I work with Tom… Tom Darcy. His friend runs the hotel. I wondered if you could offer me a special rate?

  Receptionist: Tom Darcy? No I've never heard of him. Sorry, it's still £100.

  Anna: Does the price include breakfast?

  Receptionist: Yes. We offer a full continental breakfast of toast, or bread, oh, and tea or coffee.

  Anna: Oh. And do you have any business facilities?

  Receptionist: Well, we've got paper and pens.

  Anna: I was thinking, internet, wi-fi, shoe-shine?

  Receptionist: Yes. We've got that.

  Anna: Good. And most importantly, is this a single room?

  Receptionist: We've only got twin rooms.

  Anna: Twins? You've only got room for twins?

  Receptionist: We could take a bed out and just leave one in, if you want?

  Anna: Oh that would be perfect. In that case, I'd like to go ahead and make a reservation please.

  Receptionist: Good. How would you like to pay?

  Narrator: 不错,Anna 订好了房间。不过我感觉 Tom 的推荐并不像他说的那么好。让我们再复习一下订宾馆旅店时用到的一些短语。

  Hello, I'd to check availability and prices for a room please.

  Does the price include breakfast?

  Are there any business facilities such as internet and wi-fi?

  I'd like to go ahead and make the reservation please.

  不知道 Mr Socrates 会不会喜欢他的住房?他对什么事情都很挑剔的。我们下期节目再看看他的反应吧。 Bye bye!




  Tom 把什么人扛出大楼?

  答案Mr. Ingle


本文关键字: 日常职场英语



